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  1. D

    Help! Plant fell over!

    Nothing broke or snapped off. Its just bent. And is situated differently underneath the lights now.
  2. D

    Help! Plant fell over!

    Hey guys! So my 1 female that is about 2 weeks away from harvest fell over. I woke up this morning and it was leaning against my grow-room door!! Most of the leaves are pushed up and its a little bent, but other than that it looks alright. Its a hydro (bubble) grow so i just tied it up. Do you...
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    First Grow- Question about cutting leaves!

    thanks for the replys! i am just going to leave them and tuck a few leaves i guess.. I'm going to start flowering this weekend.
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    First Grow- Question about cutting leaves!

    hey guys. I'm growing in a hydro set up, a bubbler to be exact. 4 plants are about 3.2 weeks old. My question is, since they are pretty close to eachother, they are becoming quite crowded. Can I cut the BIG fan leaves off at the main stem so that light can penetrate through the canopy better...
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    Bubbleponics NooB!

    dude, ive read every piece of paper that came with the system, and ive been researching plenty. Ive asked A question that I could not find the answer to. Roseman im pretty sure it was your BIG Bubbleponics thread in the beggining where you stated to mix half of the nutes and poor some of it on...
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    Bubbleponics NooB!

    ok this is my first grow, everything is going fine with the SH bubbleponics far. today is day 1. everything is set up ready to go. Now im just not sure if i should put 1/2 and 1/2 of Grow and Micro nutrients into the tank or just poor alittle bit directly onto the rockwool cube. my...