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  1. M

    DJ Short's Flo...

    Bob very well put thank you for easy my suspicions about this strain. Can not wait to grow it now! What are your yields under that 600 for the FLO? BTW I grow in 3, 3 Bubble bucket systems, making 9 plants under 2, 1000's and 3 600's in a 11x 8 foot growspace. I am going to be using mostly...
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    Need a Diagnosis

    Most Nutrients are two or three part systems. If you really know what you are doing you can adjust your a or b or micro to suit the particular stage of flowering. Also if you flush with plain water and molasses for 3days to 2 weeks depending on medium and strain, you can achieve the results you...
  3. M

    Need a Diagnosis

    Keep believing what you want. Keep thinking you are the chosen one that know all about nutrients! Funny how you didn't respond to my last question. Anyways, I can't speak for Canna or "Humboldt Nutrients" but I can speak to the efficacy of SOME AN products and ALL of the products from "Humboldt...
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    Need a Diagnosis

    ok UB since you have not used the products please refrain from bashing the whole company. The only reason I use there stuff is because it actually does work! NPK's are all good and well when selecting a base nutrient, but plants need ALOT more than just NPK. What do you suggest I use in...
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    Need a Diagnosis

    I have had GREAT results using ALL Humboldt Countys Own products. Every one of them SEEMS to do what they claim, and Bushmaster without a doubt in the world DOES EXACTLY as it claims. Uncleben - Have you ever used these products?!? I agree with you about the hype, but some companies hype...
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    Trimming, Fimming, And Topping, What Do I Cut Off?

    I would take the FARTHEST leaves and growths off the bottom but leave the bottom middle and middle fan leaves COMPLETELY in tact, you will need these for nutrients when you flush. then I would ALSO take the VERY top LARGE fan leaves that block light to the middle growth shoots. So our aim here...
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    Hydro To Soil?

    Ive started in soil and gone to hydro, meaning the roots grow out of a paint strainer filler with soil into the air and down into an aerated nutrient solution, and current have 3 gal soil pots with the bottoms cut out and placed in a bubbel bucket top then place in a bucket, so i only have to...
  8. M

    Looking for advice on my nutes (canna flores-vega/ Cha Ching/Advanced Sensizym

    how about thats just a bunch of random shit. Yes I know how I would use them but honestly if you been growing for years and cant read the label and go from there, then there is no hope for you. Try starting with one companies full lineup and then swap in equals from other companies that you like...
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    Sour Grape & Casey Jones

    Sour Grape is the bomb!!! I just started to flush mine! Im fucking excited as fuck, this shit is WAY frosty and an alright producer as well. Grower beware it will double in size during flower. Mine went from all 2' and under to 4'8" as the tallest. and 4'3" avg. I didnt top then and thats why...
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    how tall is mids

    Are you serious? Although it does affect the potency of a bud by the size of the plant. Marijuana is not classified as mids by the size of the plant, but rather the quality of the strain you are growing. Im by now means an expert on growing but I do know that if you want mids just find a poor...
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    Tds issues?

    I love how you brits put it in lame mens terms for us yanks.
  12. M

    when to take your last pill if you have to drive

    Newbie here to this forum. Are people usually this stupid here? I mean COME ON!!!! To ask this kind of question on a forum is ridiculous. Couldn't you just keep your illegal and stupid activities to yourself? I'm not one to criticize though, I have driven my car plenty of times while on E, and...