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  1. M

    First time grower. How close do you think i am until harvest time?

    Well I have in fact done plenty of research on the topic. I figured a few opinions would be helpful in solidifying what I've read and since I was creating a new thread I thought I might as well include all the questions I could think of. It's been flowering for about a month so far. Would...
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    First time grower. How close do you think i am until harvest time?

    As I said, this is my first grow so I'm not too knowledgeable on timing my harvest correctly. I'd like to wait as long as possible to increase it's potency. The buds have become pretty thick along the top of the plant, but development has seemed slow throughout the rest of the plant. I'd like to...
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    Middle of flowering w/ lower leaves dying. Should i remove them?

    Right now I'm using organic plantone for nutes, which says it has 5% nitrogen. I add nutes once a month. The bottom leaves get pretty good sunlight throughout the day. My concern is wasted energy if the plant is trying to revive dying leaves. Does it actually impact flowering? If so, where/how...
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    Middle of flowering w/ lower leaves dying. Should i remove them?

    Yeah I've read both work, but are there pros or cons to either? Thanks for the help!
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    Middle of flowering w/ lower leaves dying. Should i remove them?

    A few of the lower leaves have begun to yellow and die, which I am told is normal as you get closer to harvest. Should i remove them or let them fall off naturally?
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    I'm new to growing but I've done a ton of research and people grow in 10 gallon buckets without issues as long as you use perlite or something similar to help with drainage. In my opinion you're good. If anything I'd add more light next time around. Clean setup though for sure. Look into main...
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    I Need Advice On A Tent

    I'm looking into tents as well, just posted a thread with my current design specs. Check out gorilla grow tents. They are pricey and I have heard mixed opinions on them, mostly good but almost everyone agrees they are overpriced including myself. They are appealing to me because they can hold up...
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    New grow tent design. Need input.

    I'm designing my first legitimate indoor grow tent setup which I plan to begin building in the next month or so. Money is not an issue. But with this being my first attempt, I obviously want to make sure I'm doing it right. My first grow will consist of 6 plants, but I will increase it up to 12...
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    First Grow. Drooping and yellow lower leaves. Please help!

    Well I'm glad it's that simple. That's what I was hoping for.
  10. M

    First Grow. Drooping and yellow lower leaves. Please help!

    Hey guys so I'm trying my first grow in soil. Everything has been going well until my dad accidentally over watered the plant a couple times over the last week. The soil seems to be very compact but not rock hard. I'm concerned about root rot and a lack of oxygen. The lower leaves are slightly...