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  1. B

    First grow complete

    From seed to bowl, I am done with my first harvest. Hooray! I got some Northern Lights from Nirvana, which turned out to be the only strain I got from them that managed to make it past seedling. In Nirvana's defense, though, it was my first effort. After drying in a cabinet for 4 days, I weighed...
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    Under water adhesive

    I need to glue a water pump to the bottom of a trash can. What can I use that will hold it in place and not add anything harmful to the water?
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    It's getting awesome here

    That's weird, but it has done this to me before. The url I used is correct. The pictures show up correctly when I am editing the post. Either way, I attached the files to my post above for anyone who would like to see them.
  4. B

    It's getting awesome here

    No, that is from a 1000 watt MH bulb running at 500 watts. You can see my post here if you want to check out my setup.
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    It's getting awesome here

    Can everyone else see the first two pictures? They show up when I am editing the post, but I get a red X when I view the post normally. EDIT: I have uploaded the two misbehaving pictures to Rollitup's servers.
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    It's getting awesome here

    It's been a while since I posted here. My dad used to say, "I can tell you a million things to not do when you are installing a satellite dish." That's what I have been doing: learning all the stuff I shouldn't do. I have been dreaming of growing this plant for around 20 years. I have read...
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    New Grower

    Project Status: Complete! I ran into some problems with the hose size vs. the barbed tee size. I wound up cracking two buckets trying to get the tubing to fit onto the tee, so I have decided to just empty and fill the buckets the hard way. I might revisit the easy drain system at a later date...
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    New Grower

    When I initially painted the inside of the closet, it was for reflective purposes only. I caulked on the outside because there was far less seams on the outside. However, due to late and sudden mildew paranoia, I caulked and painted the entire inside of the closet in Killz. I also finally got...
  9. B

    New Grower

    Why can I no longer edit my posts after one day? Most of my posts are for my recollection anyway. I mean, you guys are welcome to every single piece of information I have access to. All ya gotta do is ask. However, you probably don't need to know that the order Amazon shipped 3 days ago won't be...
  10. B

    New Grower

    Thanks. I am a rare breed of programmer. I actually enjoy the documentation process. I also want to encourage people to give this type of thing a go. If I can figure it out, there isn't a stoner alive who can't. Unfortunately, I live in the heart of Dixie, so I doubt demand would be very high...
  11. B

    New Grower

    Some hydro supplies have started arriving. I told Amazon to make as few shipments as possible, but they decided to break my order up into 3 different shipments. I think I may have overestimated the amount of floor space I have. The only other way to arrange them in a square is to only have 4...
  12. B

    New Grower

    If you total this list, you will probably come closer to the $1,704.07 final price tag. I probably left off some things. This list is not all inclusive. Home Depot Ryobi 12V Drill $49.97 2 10X20 air filters $4.47 each Caulk Gun...
  13. B

    New Grower

    That's a pretty sweet setup with the window unit air conditioner. Unfortunately for me, I have central air and the landlord won't allow window units. I wanted to get one at the beginning of the summer because I generally stay in one room and don't feel like paying to cool two floors worth of...
  14. B

    Defeating Moisture Issues in plywood room

    I just finished building a 4X4X7 out of 2X4s. I don't think 2X2s would be strong enough to hold up the plywood I used. I used 2X2s to make a seal around the door frame. The screw nearly busted them in half, even predrilled. I don't see an 8X5X7 built out of 2X2s being very strong, but I am no...
  15. B

    New Grower

    Nutrients arrived today but I won't get any other hydro supplies until next Wednesday, at the earliest. :( I went with General Hydroponics. I got a gallon each of FloraMicro, FloraGro, and FloraBloom. EDIT: Also, after several different heat trials, I have decided to leave the exhaust system as...
  16. B

    New Grower

    I sure hope the 1000 watt won't be too hot. The closet is sitting in an air conditioned room. I usually keep the air on about 68. It is also exhausted with a 440cfm fan. I haven't really had it on long enough to see how hot it gets. Fingers crossed. EDIT: Also, it has an adjustable ballast so I...
  17. B

    New Grower

    Thanks for the encouraging replies. I want to tell my dad and my brother sooo bad. Neither of them know I am even capable of building something like this. I want to rub it in their faces. But, I am sticking to the golden grower's rule: keep your mouth shut. Unfortunately, tents aren't are good...
  18. B

    New Grower

    Walls up, caulked and painted.
  19. B

    New Grower

    In my spare time, I am a computer geek sort of guy. I have never really been much of a do-it-yourself kind of person. I have been drooling over one of those pre-made all-in-one grow closets. I finally saved up the money to buy one, but just couldn't bring myself to hand over the $3,500.00 for...
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    Exhaust into heating/air duct?

    Thanks for the replies. I hadn't thought of using it as a conduit into the attic. That will probably solve my problem very nicely. Just to be clear, my original plan was to filter the exhaust with a carbon filter before pushing it into the home air system. However, I like the idea of using the...