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  1. B

    Pistil Change-

    I was wondering if it's common for some plants where the trichomes are mature but the pistils are still white? It happened to me once before a while back with some pineapple chunk (did have a lot of varied stress). The hairs easily fell of but other than that it was ok. Anyways, is it common...
  2. B

    amber/cloudy yield difference

    I realize that PW. I'm asking if there's weight difference between buds say with 100% cloudy trichomes then buds with 25-50% amber? Also, I thought for indica dominant you would want a higher % of amber and cloudy for sativa. Is that not right? Is the above ratio for all strains/genetics? And...
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    Best way to finish autos

    Opinions or experiences please, thank you.
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    I've germinated in paper towels, plugs, and directly in medium which is what I would recommend. When using the paper towel or shot glass method (which does work) your taking a chance on damaging the tap root. Just put it in the medium, lightly cover, keep moist, and keep light on it, 18-6, 20-4...
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    amber/cloudy yield difference

    I was just wondering if anyone would happen to know if there is any yield difference between say 100%cloudy & 50% amber trichomes? I'm sure a lot is strain dependent, but just on average. Thanks in advance. :peace:
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    Best way to finish autos

    Thank you yodabuds. Didn't know about some not turning amber, would that be just for sativa dominant?
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    Best way to finish autos

    out of 98 views, nobody?
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    Best way to finish autos

    I have 5 Heavyweight Vast & Fast that are near finishing. I read on ( I think it was) that autos should receive as much light as possible, suggesting 20-4 and 24-0, (24-0 was debated). I also have read that putting plants (photos) in the dark for the last 24-72 hrs helps in yield...
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    Advice Please-

    I read somewhere before that if you use pollen on the same plant (feminized) it came from that it would hermie. My question is if I was to clone it, then when ready pollinate the clone would it hermie as well. Also another question, what would be the minimum amount of time a 8week autoflower...
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    Would this work?

    Also I forgot to ask, does the lights have to be off when applying cs? Thanks in advance.
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    Would this work?

    How late is to late to start spraying with cs that has a 8weeks from germination to harvest?
  12. B

    Would this work?

    Can anyone tell me if this colloidal silver throat(30 ppm) by Source Naturals would work, or should I use something else to breed with? Oh also, for autoflowers how late is to late to start spraying? Supposedly 8wk auto, really don't know, my first auto Fast & Vast by Heavyweight. Thanks in advance.
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    Why is everyone buying into this Auto-Flower and Female seed crap?

    So a plant that has a shorter flowering time is for a lazy person? Please explain. Does that mean there's less watering? Less training? Less climate control? Less trimming? How about perpetual growers using auto's soley, or with photos? There's someone on here doing 5lb per 90 days with autos...
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    Pruning in the flower period?

    Could experiment with defoliation. At worst you'll have hash nugs on bottom.
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    advise please-1st time coco

    I will be hand watering.
  16. B

    Coco or soil for autos

    I'll be trying to get my hands on some and checking out the vids, appreciate reply, thks.
  17. B

    Coco or soil for autos

    That would work for me, thanks.
  18. B

    advise please-1st time coco

    This will be my first time using coco. Guessed I should of done more research before purchase but to late now. I bought piece coir not knowing fine coir was better, so my question is, should I use less to no perlite due to the grade? I do have some wormcastings on hand, should I ad that? If...
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    Private messages

    k, thks, kinda sucks. t911. if you see this my ?s are on yesterdays post. thks n1990.
  20. B

    Private messages

    Oh didn't know that, you know how many post? Thank you for the reply, appreciated.