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  1. boymeetsweed

    Greenhouse Lemon Skunk

    I've smoked it and its really goofy, clear high with a light buzz. Careful, its a creeper!
  2. boymeetsweed

    Credit Card Orders

    Thanks man, if you dont mind me asking, what seeds were your first?
  3. boymeetsweed

    Credit Card Orders

    If I'm ordering seeds from say Planet Skunk or the Attitude (those are the two that I'm looking at right now), do I use a fake name? And if so, do I use it in my credit card information? I just dont know enough about this. My name wont go in a government database will it? Haha I guess my...
  4. boymeetsweed

    Flying Dutchmen Thai-Tanic

    Is it a difficult grow? I want it to be my first.
  5. boymeetsweed

    Flying Dutchmen Thai-Tanic

    Any growers ever cultivate this plant? I'm trying to find out if its any good.
  6. boymeetsweed

    White Label Double Gum

    It's advertised as big sale on Planet Skunk but not much information is given. Has anyone grown or smoked this?
  7. boymeetsweed

    Seed/Strain Recommendations

    Is autoflowering the way to go? I dont know much about the pheno but I assume that once it begins sprouting, the flowering hormone is activated. I'll look into chemo and these autos and see whats good. I like the idea of a white strain anyway, thanks a lot! I am guessing that lowryders are...
  8. boymeetsweed came through for me!

    Attitude says that they label all of their packages and orders as "T-shirts" so there is no way it will say anything cannabis related on their forms.
  9. boymeetsweed came through for me!

    so they give you freebies with every order?? or is it a minimum price in order to claim it? I looked on the site but couldnt find it anywhere...
  10. boymeetsweed

    Seed/Strain Recommendations

    I am in need of some recommendations. I want to begin my first grow attempt and I want to find a shorter strain (growing in a closet) and one that will not smell so bad since I am in an apartment. I also want a plant that will be worth my time and money. I have looked at so many seed bank...
  11. boymeetsweed

    Beginner Grower, using aerogarden

    This is my first footstep into the door of cannabis cultivation. I'm a poor college student and so I figure the way for me stop spending so much money on bud is to grow it myself. That being said, one of the cheaper ways I have researched growing is using the aerogarden. I dont have the...