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  1. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Really??! 1.7 for 50? Thought I was being rode
  2. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Paying a ton for a quarter dude,it ain't easy but I make a few sacrifices to hang out with Mary Jane!☺ I used to get an ounce for 250,when it went up I invested in my own grow,best of luck with the grow dude hope it goeswell for yae
  3. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Just got a text been offered some yipeeeeee happiness in a bag
  4. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Nah I know there's an underground way of getting it online just not sure how lol
  5. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Big thick cunt,just throwing random stuff back at ya ;p
  6. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    What is this btcs you speak of??? Never heard of it
  7. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    The more I read the more I want some....restless night ahead with nightmares possibly!!!if anyone in the west wants to sell a bit tomorrow pm me I'll drive anywhere I'm going nuts without it!ahhhhh lol
  8. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    What you growing mate? I kind of have to crop by Xmas,had 1 reliable source which came to a halt suddenly last week,don't know how I'll manage without it,watching my girls grow will keep me going I suppose,dropping the girls in water tomorrow so will head in Monday morning and get soil,may I ask...
  9. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey man,yeah I have read that alright but was thinking about starting in a plastic cup but will go into Galway Monday and get soil,was hoping to have them ready for Xmas that's why I went with autos this time but v unlikely now!
  10. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey all,been on a few forums before but never stuck at it,have done a few grows and starting a few autos next on day 2 without any and its killing me softly!!any fellow growers in the west?
  11. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    microwave stuff didn't work but I think I fried it,doing a method I read up on here that takes twenty minutes or so,after I chopped a bit off my bird text saying she had got me a 3gram bag tonight so at least ill have that tomorrow and make it last a bit,will report back on my plate over boilng...
  12. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    no it aint,ive a bit in the microwave now too:) impatient...what you talking about R31??
  13. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    cheers ae86,will let ya know how it goes,have them drying for a bit now:)
  14. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    best advice ive had all year,fu ck it lads im stressed out here,getting kids to bed now and then im going for it ooohhh I cant wait,any recommendations on quick drying a bit lads,lots of different opinions on google and ive two screaming kids here ahhhh
  15. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    you reckon I could take some of the lower ones without causing too much stress dude?yeah it is percy so ill wait till shes ready but those pics were taken a week before I put them up,i don't wanna pull it until its ready,ill give her the extra week if she needs it just mad for a smoke and to be...
  16. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    thank you for your help!much appreciated dude! you reckon the green seation will be enough for my next crop as a sole boost during flower?
  17. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    not gonna keep bugging ya with questions man but how would you recommend I go about my next grow,stocked up with the bat mix and green sensation and superthrive for early on,could I repot just before the switch and use green sensation from week 4/5 to pull me through or should I add nutes too?
  18. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ah shite man the dude in the shop told me it was organic!!should I flush soon or is it too late now?used plagron light mix until my first repot but as I said I learned a lot during this grow do you use the same soil with just green sensation?cheers dude ill look into algea bloom
  19. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    am using the plagron bat mix soil at full strength and have stocked up for next grow with it as id rather go organic
  20. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    yeah dude im using bat manure,nearly finished my first grow,was thinking my plants were hungry alrite! how do you work with the manure during flowering do you repot early in flower or just use green sensation after week 4?would love to hear your experienes with it