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  1. C

    Growing Nirvana NL Auto’s for dummies

    Hi. Very useful information. I have 2 afghan kush ryders on day 42 and theres a lot of buds. my lighthas been 18/6 from seed. 250w hps in a cupboard with white walls. Wouldyuou suggest i switch to 12/12 or keep it at 18/6. Buds are thin at the moment im hoping they will fatten up. Any advice...
  2. C

    60x60x140 250w HPS, Canna Terra Pro+, Auto Seeds Candy Kush

    I use canna coir grow and coir bloom i give veg nutes at 1/2 strength at week 3 and then every other feed untill i hit 5th week and then i give it bloom at 1/2 strength untill i hit 7th week just pure water untill harvest always keep the nutes at 1/2 i havent increased or decreased its working...
  3. C

    60x60x140 250w HPS, Canna Terra Pro+, Auto Seeds Candy Kush

    Im on my first grow got 2 afghan kush ryder and 1 amphetamine auto. Definatley doing the candy kush next i tried it in amsterdam the best smoke ive ever had! My plants look great 40 days old and i would say over 2 foot tall with at least 1 ounce per plant so far. Been flowering for 3 weeks!! I...
  4. C

    AmPhetamine{Hydro status}

    Hi. Did you start to grow that amphetamine, i started 1 two weeks ago and it is about 7 inches tall showing signs of sex and also signs of pre flower already, so fast, i also have 2 afghan kush ryder, 4 weeks old this monday and are already inflower and looks impressive! 50cm in height a bit...
  5. C

    Pyramid Seeds Auto Anesthesia 2x2.5 Gorrilla Grow Tent With 200 W Solar Flare LED

    Hey your plants look amazing!! Ive just started my firstgrow ever 2 akr's. Any tips tricks or info would be great thanks 5 days old now looking good i dont know how to upload photos.