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  1. N

    plug in light socket!

    alot of people use those, i have them connected to my Y splitter, they are very usefull for cfl grows
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    Main cola got burnt to death =.( plz help

    well i understand that i shouldnt be bending or stressing the plant at this stage but the problem has arised and i had to do somthing to keep this problem under control. the cola was young so i topped the cola off. also im still waiting on an answer to the question of if the other nodes will...
  3. N

    Main cola got burnt to death =.( plz help

    i was bending my main cola over to lower the height of my plant( small grow box, dont ask) and after i can back from school the plant tipped and the cola fell into the light bulb, its toast to say the least. will the lower buds benifit a decent amout from this? plant : indoor indica 3' tall...
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    question about clones off a flowering plant

    i have a 3' indica indoor bagseed, the bottom 4 branches arent realy growing 2 much bud, could i make the bottom 2 branches into clones even though it is 2 1/2 weeks into flower?
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    ooops plant to tall !!, can i bend a flowering plant over?

    i have a bagseed indica who has almost outgrown her grow box (box is 36" and plant is 33") im coming up on my 3rd week of flower, is it a bad idea to try to bent the main cola sideways and alow it to grow around the top of the grow box ? this will not interfere with my light setup but i dont...
  6. N

    24/7 4 Lowryder entire cycle?

    you could but i personally would go at least 20/4. i find that the dark period gives the plant a little "rest" which alows for better growth when it "wakes up" just my opinion, but i also hear that 24/7 is good too
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    damn it nirvana not shipping to cali whats the next best

    one of my personal favorites is Grapefruit. not extremly potent but smells and looks sooo good.
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    Plant going limp after 5days of flower!!

    i use 3 36 wat cfls and i use a simple grow soil that was bought for fast growing plants, temp is fine, ph is fine, i water once a day and i wait untill the soil is crusty like im supposed to. the one plant is now limping and the other is only kinda limp
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    Plant going limp after 5days of flower!!

    been growing like champs for 2monthes, now they are both going limp. why is this?? plz someone help me asap
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    Day 36 Flowerrr powerr

    looks very nice, wish i could grow outside = (
  11. N

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    wow this is inspiring, lst on my next grow =)
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    1st time grower w/pics, Opinions?

    also, how many and what watt cfl'z did u use?
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    1st time grower w/pics, Opinions?

    lookin good to me bro, i have plants almost the same age, didnt put into flower yet though. keep up the good work and post pix of flowering for me =)
  14. N

    all odor experts come here plz!

    my grow box is 1.5'x1.5'x3'tall do u think that flowering will be a problem with carbon filters on my intake and outtake? if my mom smells these plants im f*cked i have 2x plants that im about to put into flowering plz any info or experience is greatly needed
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    i had to pull my plant

    thats a bitch man, i found out that u cant tell anyone about any indoor growing. that way i have nothing to worry about. my outdoor plants got pulled out by my crazy X-girlfriend. worst day eva
  16. N

    RE: bagseed, is this worth my time??

    yeah thanks for the imput everyone, i am going to put the 12/12 this sunday hopefully i get 2 fems but anyways, the mids i am growing looks sooo much healthyer than some of the plants i have seen on though i most likely have a diff strain) my leaves are all perky and very...
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    RE: bagseed, is this worth my time??

    damn thats good to know and by the way everyone in philly says mids i think other parts of the country call them regz or somthing like that obviously mids= mid grade but i am about to switch to 12/12 in about a weed so i hope i got 2/2 females ^^
  18. N

    would this be a good idea

    with my limited space i can either decide: -more light to the lower nodes or -have more fans
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    RE: bagseed, is this worth my time??

    yeah im hoping that these plants turn out to be somthing nice, then i can compare them to the bud i got them from = )