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  1. S

    leaves burning and im stuck big time

    It's well documented that the water quality generally in the us is very poor . I no when we come over we do t drink your tap water because it makes us sick , If your well water is 140 ppm it's better than evian bottled water lol you should sell that stuff and your prob in the minority and I...
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    leaves burning and im stuck big time

    It's prob a defiency in everything lol running 1100 ppm now and can notice the difference in one day :)
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    leaves burning and im stuck big time

    I get were your coming from but like I say I've never had any issues with water quality , I'm not saying I'm a pro grower but been growing in 10 ltr soil bags for last 3 years and I've never had an issues , I never even bothered to ph my water i just mixed It up poured it in and I was growing...
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    leaves burning and im stuck big time

    That's not an option really , that's the general standard of tap water here in the uk. Never had a problem in soil , never once had a nute defiency , it's only since I've swapped over to dwc due to it bein a lot more convenient for me that all these deficiency are popping up. My first attempt I...
  5. S

    Holes holes holes! I got holes On my leaves w/pics bugs burns idk help

    I had this same problem on my last crop of ww x bb , no bugs or anything detected and was just a random problem . Tried alsorts of things but in the end gave up, I yielded 25 oz dry weight in the end from 5 plants so not that much of a prob. Just check under leaves and have a damn good look all...
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    leaves burning and im stuck big time

    could it be due to not enough nutrients? i feel ive been over cautious this bein my second dwc grow and on the first i was was over feeding. i decided to give another 1/4 dose of nutrients canna flores/rhiztonic/cannazyme/boost & cal/mag+ . my water here is 350 ppm out of the tap so 1/4 nutes...
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    leaves burning and im stuck big time

    hi people, i have 5 plants 3rd week of flowering and they are showing signs of major burn all over. im using a rdwc system in 20 litre buckets.ive been struggling with these symptoms for a while now on a smaller scale ie just the odd few leaves here n there every few days,but it seems to be...
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    Newbe dwc problems

    Also as my roots are looking good and healthy h202 is maybe a bit overkill, so would normal phd water for a few day etc free up the plant from any lockout?
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    Newbe dwc problems

    Cool I hear you guys , problem here is I use tap water so my baseline is 300 ppm give or take , I don't really want to start doing fancy stuff to my water
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    Newbe dwc problems

    Hi guys, great site been looking about on here for a while in preperation and for general info. I'm doing my first rdwc after doing 6/7 problem free soil grows. I took some time out and then decided to give the dwc a bash for a change , I'm in the uk so mums the word ;). To be honest it's not...