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  1. maxivenezuela

    Cool European Marijuana Videos

    Hey, just want to present my new project, the marijuana grow video channel with videos and stuff from our board in German language xD greez from Spain maxi
  2. maxivenezuela

    Lets Talk about lights - 4x600w vs. 2x1000w on mover

    imao, rather 4x600W, much more efficiency, more Lumen per Watt, easy to install, usable one by one when not the whole space in your growroom is in usefor any reason...
  3. maxivenezuela

    sarahs 1st journal!

    Nice little nugg! Are you gonna vape or smoke it? I don't like to smoke leafs so I cut them all off as clean as I can :mrgreen:
  4. maxivenezuela


    recolecting the water that drains out sounds like a good idea to evoid humidity, but better don't reuse it for watering of other plants for a couple of reasons... i might be able to explain it when I'm not as stoned as I am atm :D I'll try it to explain shorlty anyway :D Witch reusing the...
  5. maxivenezuela

    Maxi's K.C. Brains KC33 Fun-Grow

    This is the End of this Grow: I did harvest the last Plant today, it was the last one I started to flower so it was just flowering for 50 days, and not yet mature but in 2 weeks I'll leaf here so better dry it for a week and smoke it than let it just grow...
  6. maxivenezuela

    Maxi's K.C. Brains KC33 Fun-Grow

    Extra Pics, the Bud on Pic 2 is still not completly dry:
  7. maxivenezuela

    Maxi's K.C. Brains KC33 Fun-Grow

    Today I harvested what was left from a plant I did harvest last friday... Not much but 2-3 small joints anyway :leaf:
  8. maxivenezuela

    Whats up with my ak47 seedlings?

    For 600W without a cooltube 20-24inches would usually be fine, but for seedlings I recomend to put them 4 feet away, and during about 3 weeks slowly reduce the distance to a little less than 2 feet and keep it there unless your reflector and your ventilation permit you to go even closer...
  9. maxivenezuela

    Whats up with my ak47 seedlings?

    looks like very low humidity and the HPS to close to the seedlings... 600w at very beginning should be 3-4feet away...
  10. maxivenezuela

    Maxi's K.C. Brains KC33 Fun-Grow

    Today I did harvest completly this plant after 53 days flowering... I hate it to harvest this early but the countdown for me to leaf here is running so I can't wait...
  11. maxivenezuela


    I told you too to cut of the low 1/3 branches for SOG, this prevents fungus and makes plants concentrate on the important buds... Sorry thought you cut off some leafs so lower buds are getting light, I guess missunderstood something...
  12. maxivenezuela


    It's not a good idea to cut or rip off leafs unless for fresh cut clones to prevent them from drying out a lot. - Leafs do the photosynthesis and even the the buds need photosyntsis to grow. - It's a little bit of unnecessary stress for the plant. - Unless a leaf is completly dry allready...
  13. maxivenezuela

    Maxi's K.C. Brains KC33 Fun-Grow

    This is the "harvest" of the lower small nuggs from the first plant I harvested 9 days ago... For shure I got lots of small sticky leafs and some mini nuggs, too.
  14. maxivenezuela

    sarahs 1st journal!

    What a lucky guy, nobody makes me Brownies :'(
  15. maxivenezuela

    Maxi's K.C. Brains KC33 Fun-Grow

    So today I harvested the second plant It was the smallest one, very indica like phenotype, very fast flowering... She was flowering for 50 Days today... Before: After *gg* I hope those mini nuggs get a little bigger an smokeable so I left her like this under the HPS: Macro: Not much but...
  16. maxivenezuela

    think i got overwatering probs

    looking nice :D canon cameras are very good I once had one it took awsome fotos!
  17. maxivenezuela

    Maxi's K.C. Brains KC33 Fun-Grow

    My sees are ready to harvest, it's a cross of a nice KC33 father from KC Brains with a very indica pheno mother of skunk#1 from sensi seeds... This is how everything looks like atm I cut of a few little nugs from the partials harvestet skunk#1 they are not very big but very sticky...
  18. maxivenezuela

    Maxi's K.C. Brains KC33 Fun-Grow

    The Left one is flowering for 41 days now. The two in the middle are flowering for 48 days now. And the partial harvestet on the right is flowering 55 days now.
  19. maxivenezuela


    as long as you dont feel any heat th distance is fine... It's better to put the small ones on top of anything, with the HPS closer you will get bigger buds and less steching plants
  20. maxivenezuela

    think i got overwatering probs

    Dude, I have a good 12MPX camera and even my cellphone has a 5MPX cam, but I don't know where to get a fucking lupe here^^ Maybe in one of those chinese store but I'm much too lazy to walk around looking for a stupid lupe lol