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  1. carlthompson71

    how much would my plant grow

    ill put pics up tomorrow
  2. carlthompson71

    how much would my plant grow

    also have been vegetating since around december 2013
  3. carlthompson71

    how much would my plant grow

    400wat hps light
  4. carlthompson71

    how much would my plant grow

    i have one indica and one sativa skunk ive got a organic soil mix with 3gal pots plants are healthy and have been topped twice
  5. carlthompson71

    how much would my plant grow

    i want to try get 4 oz a plant how big sshould they be when i bud them
  6. carlthompson71

    how much would my plant grow

    if my 18in tall plant were to go into a 12/12 light cycle roughly how much taller would it get and roughly what would the yeild be like
  7. carlthompson71

    how tall/old should plant be before switching to 12/12?

    whats the yeild like with plants around that size
  8. carlthompson71

    First Time Growing Attempt

    at what height should the plants be before flowering?
  9. carlthompson71

    First Time Growing Attempt

    Thanks :) and its been really hot here, im in napier got to 35 the other day
  10. carlthompson71

    First Time Growing Attempt

    plants are now fully indoor with 18 hours of light a day they have gotten alot healthier over time
  11. carlthompson71

    First Time Growing Attempt

    getting some HPS lights tonight
  12. carlthompson71

    First Time Growing Attempt

    finally moved them
  13. carlthompson71

    First Time Growing Attempt

    Transferd 3 plants into buckets
  14. carlthompson71

    First Time Growing Attempt

    not really but as this is my first time growing if anyone points out anything bad i would love to hear from them
  15. carlthompson71

    O.G Kush Hempy Bucket

    thats gonna be a very nice chop well done
  16. carlthompson71

    First Time Growing Attempt

    I have one small plant that i have recently planted and only last night received 4 plants aged around 2-4 weeks i have 3 Indicas and 1 Satilva so far after i have budded them i have planted to keep an ounce to myself and sell off the rest, i am really looking forward to how these plants will...
  17. carlthompson71

    New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

    im pretty new to growing, but New Zealand is Perfect for growing, im located in Hawkes Bay and the weather has been pretty reasonable
  18. carlthompson71

    little plant only has 2 leaves?

    is this a better pic?