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  1. no1grower

    Northan lights

    My northan lights auto from nivana Tell me what u think .
  2. no1grower

    Tell me what you think

    I have a 10 litre bucket of water down the shed where I grow if I add the correct amout of nutes to the water and onley use it every 2 days when I feed dose any 1 no if the nutrients evaporate in time , im just thinking less hassle measuring out nutes to water all the time I can just go down the...
  3. no1grower


    Fucking hell time of month Sent from my GT-I9505 using Rollitup mobile app
  4. no1grower


    My plants are 35 days old I havent gave them a single nute yet I was woundering how often I should ad nutes to the water I mean how much water should I give them and how often there grew in canna terra soil under a 600 wat hps sould I use the same nutrient brand as the soil canna thanks
  5. no1grower

    Take a look let me no what u think

    What dose 5 10 10 mean fella ? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Rollitup mobile app
  6. no1grower

    Take a look let me no what u think

    These are my northan lights nivana autos there 30 days old under a 600w light im useing canna terra soil 'for the the first 10 days I had them on a 20/4 light cycle now there on18/6 I havent put no nutes in at all ive been useing tap water just leaveing it 24 hours to kill chemicals then useing...
  7. no1grower

    The UK Growers Thread!

    No mate im new 2 this Sent from my GT-I9505 using Rollitup mobile app
  8. no1grower

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hello my uk growers london boy here , these are my nivana auto northan lights im 30 days in, I started these on a 20 hours on and 4 hours off schedule for the first 10 days then switched to 18/6 cycle which r still on now, just after people opinions I havent used a single nute on these babys...
  9. no1grower

    Help me whats wrong

    Pics not great but im starting to get a few yellows spots on my leafs and there crisping up onley the bottom 1s im 30 days into it nivana auto northan lights f Sent from my GT-I9505 using Rollitup mobile app
  10. no1grower

    Northan lights auto

    Thanks for your help much appreciated. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Rollitup mobile app
  11. no1grower

    Water and nutrition

    So if its below 100 its good to go straight away what about nutes and recomended 1s Sent from my GT-I9505 using Rollitup mobile app
  12. no1grower

    Water and nutrition

    Im going to get a ph tester today and find out Sent from my GT-I9505 using Rollitup mobile app
  13. no1grower

    Auto northan lights

    I was going to use bubble phonics systerm start it off In soil till she was a few inches tall then transer her to the bucket is that risky or is there a safer way of doing it
  14. no1grower

    Auto northan lights

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Rollitup mobile app Lst lol what dose that mean sorry im a newbe
  15. no1grower

    Northan lights auto

    Hi every 1 Im after some advice I brought 5 seeds , nivana auto northan lights, I was just woundering what light cycle to use from germnation right through to harvest thanks guys x
  16. no1grower

    Water and nutrition

    Hi im about to start my first bubble phonics grow and was woundering if some 1 could help me out , what sort of water should I use thanks
  17. no1grower

    Auto northan lights

    Iv just purched some nivana auto northan lights and as a newbe I was woundering if some.1 could help me out on the light cycle from germnation to the end thanks