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  1. Rossta

    Storage Bin Hydro Setup

    Well, I decided to give this idea a go. I built a little DWC system yesterday. I used three of the thicker plastic bins, each connected by 1/2'' black hosing. I fit three 6'' netpots in the lids of two of the bins. There are 2 submersible pumps, one in the res on the bottom line, and the...
  2. Rossta

    1000watt Lavender Kush, Casey Jones, and Cheese

    Well, here's what I've got going. The center plant is a bit farther along than the rest, and that's the lavender kush. It's about 3-4 weeks into flower, and looking pretty nice! What do you guys think?
  3. Rossta

    DWC SCROG? Help please.

    I definitely want to try the SCROG technique for my next grow. I'm using two of those DWC bubbleboy buckets right now. I was just wondering, when you have the plant growing through the screen, how would I flush out my buckets? I'm assuming you can't remove the screen once the plant weaves it's...
  4. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    Just a little update! The hydro plant is out of control with it's size, I definitely learned a lesson there. The soil plant is looking pretty good I think, any thoughts?
  5. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    They are five weeks into flowering now. The hydro one grew a LOT after I switched the lighting, and is just now really starting to form hairy little buds. The soil one has been flowering nicely, and will definitely be done first!
  6. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    Glad someone was interested to ask! I kind of stopped updating when I thought nobody was interested! She's a LOT bigger!
  7. Rossta

    A month of 12/12 and still no flowers?

    I've had my DWC plant on the 12/12 light cycle for a month now, and during that time instead of really budding, it grew about 2.5 more feet tall! I know just changing the light cycle doesn't mean the plant won't stop vegging, But I was getting a bit worried. I only have a 150watt HPS light, and...
  8. Rossta

    Am I doing something wrong? or do I have a male?

    I started these two plants at the same time, one DWC hydro, and one soil. the soil plant is MUCH smaller. they are in the second week of 12/12 flowering lighting, and only the soil plant seems to be growing buds! I'm pretty sure the hydro plant isn't a male, I haven't seen any pods or anything...
  9. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    Another update! Let me know what you think of the pics!
  10. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    Some update pics!
  11. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    Just checked it, and it's about 7.1....this was with the straight up new distilled water, I just added some nutes though, so hopefully that's ok?
  12. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    Shameless self bump, my problem seems to be getting worse with the hydro plant. Help please!
  13. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    Update, and something is wrong!! The soil plant seems to be doing fine, I've been watering appropriately, and it seems fine. The hydro plant however, seems to have some leaf curling!! Can anyone help me out on what to do? I flushed the water today, and replaced it with distilled water. I'm going...
  14. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    Just a small update, both are getting bigger! I'll be curious to see how this turns out, with one soil and one hydro. So far I'm definitely liking the height/leaf ratio on the hydro, the soil one has stretched out a bit. I may have to move my light closer!
  15. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    Small update! I picked up a few supplies for the dresser today. A little compass saw, some wood glue, some hinges, hanging hooks, a small digital thermometer/humidity meter, some foil tape, and a dryer vent kit. I'm planning on using the dryer vent to make a carbon filter. I'd see a couple...
  16. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    No worries, it does seem weird that they'd be in there, lol. However, my mom will poke around EVERYWHERE so it's just a potential risk I had to consider! I checked out your grow, and it looks great!
  17. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    This makes a LOT of sense, thank you for taking the time to put down all those details. Overall, I COULD use the closet, but I worry if my parents came to visit. Perhaps I'll use the closet, and still build the dresser into a makeshift hide/grow box in case I needed to put the plants in for a...
  18. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    I'll get those meters asap! I started with distilled water, so hopefully the pH is ok for now. As for ventilation and odor, I plan to use some computer fans, and make a carbon filter to use. Any ideas for an efficient ventilation setup for that dresser would be much appreciated!
  19. Rossta

    First hydro grow! DWC

    This is my first SERIOUS attempt at growing. I've planted some bagseed in the past, but never actually did any research as to maintaining a healthy plant. I moved to a larger city this past year, and for the first time I went to a hydro store. I asked a few questions, and after seeing how...
  20. Rossta

    When can I put this spout in hydroton?

    I have a little DWC setup, and I have a couple sprouts going. I was wondering when I should move the sprout into the hydroton? It's in a peat pellet, and it's been looking pretty good so far! I do have a little 2" net pot too. Any advice for how/when to move it over would be much appreciated...