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  1. sblount20

    Dank & Other Growers Side by Side Grow.

    ok everyone i finally started my own thread heres the link for MD and anyone else how can give some help information i posted pics from week one all the way to this week so give it a look and Keep Growin:leaf:
  2. sblount20

    New grower

    thanks dannyboy602 ive heard that the FF tends to burn the younger plants thats why i added the dolomite lime to try to help with that but i think your right i might just be over thinking things .
  3. sblount20

    Dank & Other Growers Side by Side Grow.

    ok thanks for all the help and any advise on how to make my grow better i would appreciate that also for this being my first grow im trying to get everything right so i can be good at this my second grow in keep growin PPL:leaf:
  4. sblount20

    Dank & Other Growers Side by Side Grow.

    i have them in FFOF with a little bit of dolomite lime added in with it thats it
  5. sblount20

    Dank & Other Growers Side by Side Grow.

    Ok so ive been goin through some stuff and completely neglected the plants for a couple of days no water also it was time to transfer them into something bigger so they were all f##ked up when i got home leaves all drooping also changing color so i put them into bigger pots and gave them a good...
  6. sblount20

    New grower

    Ok so ive been goin through some stuff and completely neglected the plants for a couple of days no water also it was time to transfer them into something bigger so they were all f##ked up when i got home leaves all drooping also changing color so i put them into bigger pots and gave them a good...
  7. sblount20

    Dank & Other Growers Side by Side Grow.

    Hey I know im hella late to this thread but it seems like a good one to get some information out of ok so i planted my seed in FFOF soil from seed on 2-1-14(critical +,critical KusH, California HasH, and Milky:leaf:) Im starting them in a DIY 15 gallon clothing (tub/bin) flipped vertically with...
  8. sblount20

    New grower

    2/11/14 a little more then a week after the last update and the plants are starting to look good the milky way is the smallest plant only because the seedcap was stuck on it longer then it should have been but since i removed it things seem to be much better and there are only 4 plants now bcuz...
  9. sblount20

    New grower

    bigsteve thanks for telling me about the seedcap i would have never knew also i have atleast four nice size holes on each side goin around the cup with one more right in the center at the bottom of the cup so i think it should be pretty good on drainage. And i cant wait to try all the strains in...
  10. sblount20

    New grower

    Hey to vostok im olny using the those cfls for the seedlings i also have a 600watt cfl but i order it with the wrong bulb it came with the 2700k bulb which is giving off the more red spectrum of light and im waiting for the 6500k bulb to come for the Veg. im going to use the one i have now for...
  11. sblount20

    New grower

    so maybe 3 days ago i posted pics of my 5 seedlings that have been growing since Feb.1,2014 and i took advice from a couple of ppl who commented and slowed down on the watering and they have been looking much better as you can see in the pics but i would appreciate any other help.:leaf:
  12. sblount20

    New grower

    ok so i havent watered the plants in a couple of days and now they are growing like some champs and thanks for telling me about the city water i did exactly what you said about the water in the tub method i cant wait to see if it actually makes a difference ill post more pics in a couple of days...
  13. sblount20

    New grower

    naw im not gonna use the solo cups the entire grow just for the first 3 weeks and ok thank for the advise about the foil
  14. sblount20

    New grower

    Ok so I germinated and planted my plants in foxfarm ocean forest soil using four clfs and I a couple of them sprouted after only one day two look really good but my Pineapple Express is a bit smaller and I think I may have even over watered it can you guys tell me if everything is looking ok so...