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  1. V

    Wat System is best?

    I belive you are fathoming a DWC with a Very low water line(4 inches in a 5Gal) with a fog surrounding the pot and lateral growth. this way the taproots get water and falling roots enjoy regulated NFT and bubble action. But the "best system" never simply means what grows best but host other...
  2. V

    Wilting and No Idea why anyone?

    I would inspect roots... If the wilting plants are growing their roots slower than the other strain to start out with (prior to problem)then lifeforms and virons can attack the slower/ weaker plants first and become more favorable to the slower growth as "invader load" snowballs into a grander...
  3. V

    condensation science question. great application

    if 75 feet or more of half inch flexable metal tubing that is a closed loop is grouped and coiled in two rooms where one room is 73-83 degreesf and the other adjoining room is -20 - 65f. would condensation form in the cold climate room anywhere if the water in the tubing was circulated in real...
  4. V

    informants and warrants (waht is nessicary)

    If one called the cops and told them they know of a cannabis grow and left no name or contact info would a warrant develop or just a "knock and talk" or surveillance? what if the informant left a name and so on record (i assume). them would a warrant develop?
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    What would you do if you had 15 seconds till LEO arrives?

    chop and flush... every plant down the toilet would be one less...
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    tempature controller that turns something off if temp exceeds...?

    a "cooling thermostat" (as in the C.A.P. product) delivers power to a circuit when temperature gets too hi and turns off power to the same circuit when temperature gets too low. i am looking for a controller that does the opposite. anyone? ;)
  7. V

    is my 600 watt system going to be cool

    I have a sun hut that is 3ft by 4ft by 7ft with an air cooled reflector(exhaust ports) housing a 600 watt HPS. My exhaust system is running between 180-200 cfm. Can a keep the space at 70 to 75 degrees by placing the system in a 65 degree environment?
  8. V

    grow T - 20days (good questions)

    Hello all on roll it up! i've seen many of the bbs'es and this one i like a little more than others (mabye not a fully rational thought)... Anyways, as the title indicates i will be embarking on a wild and clean-andstream lined 400wattHPS aero grow using a turbogarden in 20days. A few...