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  1. Closet Cultivator

    flowering problem...

    they are stretched id say. so the droopyness is normal? that seems odd. im using soil and no i dont have a timer. some fan leaves are fine while others on the same plant wilt. i think it might have smething to do with the co2 levels in the small space that i use.
  2. Closet Cultivator

    flowering problem...

    so my plants are big enough to start flowering, so i turn the lights to 12/12. when its time to turn them back on, all of the plants leaves are pointing straight to the soil. i didnt under/over water, or anything. all i did was change the lights. what the hell?
  3. Closet Cultivator

    please help with clones. pics

    i have some odd spotting in the middle of some leaves too. however they re brown, not yellow. i think it nute burn. what are you giving your plants?
  4. Closet Cultivator

    Is Nute burn possible w/o ever adding nutes?

    i think i have much the same problem. i have 10 plants that are about 2 weeks old, and the biggest one is getting thoes brown blister looking spots. i just trans planted them but put more fertilizer in :dunce: i think if i move them again it wont be too good. heal plants! heal!
  5. Closet Cultivator

    not sure...nute burn?

    hmmm. i guess a flush is in order. but the fertilizer i am using is like a slo release pellet. i just trans planted them today but put fertilizer in the soil as well. should i move them again to soil without fertilizer?
  6. Closet Cultivator

    not sure...nute burn?

    so yeah. this is my first grow, and i have 10 plants that are almost 2 weeks in veggie. im growing them indoors, in soil, using 18-6-8 food, and using tap water that i leave outside for a day, for watering. i think i might be using the wrong food? should i get something that is higher in...
  7. Closet Cultivator


    what is the best way to separate plants that were in the same pot, but now need to be transplanted?
  8. Closet Cultivator


    hello sparta. like you i am also a nub to growin the green, but i seem to be a bit further along. also like a good nub, I READ THE OTHER FORUMS FIRST! try this one it has a quick nutrient deficiency guide that also lists symptoms. the thread also has links to many other very helpful pieces of...