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  1. 2

    LED questions

    Hello everyone, I am interesting in growing with LEDS, unfortunately the only information i can find online is put out by the biased producers of the lights. If someone could give me some general information or point me in the right direction that would be amazing. Things like bud...
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    Problem with cloning!!!!

    These clones have been here for about a week now. I cut the clones and dipped them in Root Hormone, then placed them in the Cloner. I frequently mist them and they get 18 hours of light a day. Why is there no sign of rooting? Any advice is welcomed Thank you in advance.
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    Question About Cloning

    I have a Small Papaya Clone, that i am vegging in prepare for a SOG. I would like to know what is the smallest possible height i could take clones at. I would like to keep the clones at relatively the same height for the reason of space constraints. Yet i would like the clones to be large...
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    SOG question

    Nice. I cant wait.
  5. 2

    SOG question

    The strain is Feminized Snow White from Nirvana
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    SOG question

    Thank you both.
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    SOG question

    I am currently in the cloning stage of my grow. I am using the SOG method. What is the minimum height i could flower at while still getting a nice top cola. I plan on keeping them very small so i can harvest often. Any advice is welcomed.
  8. 2

    ppp 4 weeks flowering 200 watt cfls

    Yeah. Nice plants. Little stretched.
  9. 2

    Mirrors as Light Relfectors

    Thank you all for the good advice.
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    Mirrors as Light Relfectors

    I have not heard anything about using mirrors to cover the walls of a grow room. I am assuming this is not a good idea for some reason. Can someone please give me some insight on this? Thanks in advance.
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    My grow idea

    Dude the smell is going to kill you, especially in an apartment. You might as well practice your mug shot pose.
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    BCNL Producer Grow #2

    Wow those are beautiful i am extremely jealous.:lol:
  13. 2

    Please Help, Week Into Flowering.

    Unfortunately the plant turned out to be a male. That takes care of the leave issue but it is still a sad day. The ph tested to around a high 6. Regardless i flushed the plants and they will find new larger homes tomorrow. I appreciate all the help and advice. it was highly valued.
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    Please Help, Week Into Flowering.

    Hey thanks guys, when the light comes back on i will go in and check the PH, and give her a good flush. I water water them with well water(i am not near any city). Thanks so much for the help, i will get back to you.
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    Please Help, Week Into Flowering.

    The leaves are turning hard and crispy, while loosing their color. its only been a week into flowering. The veins appear to diminish last. Any advice is valued.
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    Re-poting Help

    Bump :joint:
  17. 2

    Re-poting Help

    This is my very first grow and i am wondering when the best time is to Re-pot. My plants are in desperate need of a new home. Should i do it just before a light cycle, or just after a light cycle? All answers are helpful. Thank you.