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  1. apocalyptic

    LOL Bowl

    I'll post a pic of the new piece(s) when I get them, got any pics of it saved sam
  2. apocalyptic

    LOL Bowl

    I have glass pieces, but I just moved and now all the floors on the first floor are stone, broke 1 bowl, 3 bubbler stems, and 1 bong diffuser bowl (the smaller bowl that fits into the stem on an expensive piece), and many cups and one ash tray. Its a nightmare, I keep the glass pieces put away...
  3. apocalyptic

    Yes.. It's been asked a thousand times before

    poop your pants and put it in a tops bag then inside the double tops bag a baggie?
  4. apocalyptic

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump for the skunk.
  5. apocalyptic

    LOL Bowl

    Anyone ever take the cardboard from an old toilet paper roll, put a hole in the end, aluminum foil to form a bowl and make a heatshield, to form a mini steam roller? :joint::hump:
  6. apocalyptic

    how can i buy in bulk

    Yeah man, just stick with the same dealer for a long time after you pick the best one (distance from house, prices, variety, friendliness, transportation, etc.). After awhile some sort of trust should grow and he may hook you up with a better connect if you just ask nicely if you know the dude
  7. apocalyptic

    Pc growing if your lazy ^proof
  8. apocalyptic

    Wow, something i never knew about why legalization probably won't happen.. Check out the videos on that video channel, Ron Paul's views on cannabis and drugs is different but sounds effective. The 60 minutes interview is quite interesting.
  9. apocalyptic

    Light Conundrum

    Check out the CFL sub forum in the Indoor Growing section here on riu :)
  10. apocalyptic

    Is this a male?

    Its important not to disturb the darkness. Just take a closeup of the node and upload?
  11. apocalyptic

    Best way to maximize yield? w/ pics

    I would say invest in a 4 foot T5 or T8 fixture, and do some research on ScrOG (screen of green).
  12. apocalyptic

    Is this a male?

    Can you take a picture of a node up close? We can't tell if its a boy or a girl from pictures of leaves.
  13. apocalyptic


    Bump BumpBumpBumpBumpBumpBumpBumpBumpBumpBump
  14. apocalyptic


    A friend of mine told me that its too late in the season, as plants are already starting to show signs of sex in my area. The plants under the CFL's range in height from 1 inch to 3 inches, and are all on their first blade (I can see the next set of leaves coming out of the center though). I...
  15. apocalyptic


    If I just started some seedlings under three CFL's (I have 10 going quite well, close and clustered), is it possible for me to get a nice small personal yield if I move them outdoors on June 5th? Not sure if its too late in the season, or if I'll just have to plant them far away from each...
  16. apocalyptic

    my grow

    10 grams isn't bad if you consider the fact hes in school; thats a lil more than enough for a lil bit of studying, like 20 sessions worth (.5 a sess. for yourself)...
  17. apocalyptic

    day 21 of flowering, my first grow 350 watts

    I agree :) Its a nice crop. Will be even better when those girls turn into mothers :) (flowering complete)
  18. apocalyptic

    Has Anyone Heard of White Ice?

    I agree with the dude up there, clone the mom.
  19. apocalyptic

    best strain of smoke

    Me too lmao. All this talk im like woah dude... i want to go to buying one of dem!