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  1. Mutilationer

    nugs i just got from a friend

    hahah, looks like some dank nuggetry ye got there! :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
  2. Mutilationer

    death metal!

    Your welcome man, always like helping others find new bands and different of genres =]
  3. Mutilationer

    best song about weed?

    Uhm, hXc, Chiptune, experimental jazz screamo, and the list goes on xDbongsmiliebongsmilie
  4. Mutilationer


    Anyone like Chiptune? For those who don't know, Chiptunes are music written in sound formats where all the sounds are synthesized in realtime by a computer or video game console sound chip, instead of using sample-based synthesis. Often involving circuit bending toy instruments to make beats or...
  5. Mutilationer

    best song about weed?

    Lol, thats fine because I dont listen to rock either, sterotypical bastard.:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  6. Mutilationer

    Brutal band names

    jesus titty fucking tap dancing christ, how the fuck are "Limp bizkit" and "death cab for cuite" in any way, shape or form brutal? thats what I'd like to know. -.- :cuss::cuss:
  7. Mutilationer

    death metal!

    Good Nintendocore bands: As the world Fades, GO with fourteen O, I set my friends on fire, Attack! Attack!, Horse the band, WECAMEWITHBROKENTEETH, IAMERROR, 100DEADRABBITS, Antitainment all i can think of right now... also I agree DM is harder to get ahold of I had to use an underground HUB to...
  8. Mutilationer

    death metal!

    Uhm yeah... i agree with some of the stuff you say blunt, but not every breakdown sounds the same... also a good genre to get blasted to is nintendocore... i.e. as the world fades, GO with fourteen O, etc.... Brutal death metal is good and talented yes.. but after a while (3 years) it all...
  9. Mutilationer

    Something to consider. CFL's

    hmmm thats slightly unsettling... :neutral::neutral:
  10. Mutilationer

    Good stoner music

    Well, every time I light up a spliff or 9 I like to put on some "I set my friends on fire" then make a healthy transition into some "GO with fourteen O" then finish off my bakefest with some "As the world fades" :mrgreen::blsmoke::blsmoke::eyesmoke:
  11. Mutilationer

    Brutal band names

    Fecal Devourment 100deadrabbits 7000 dying rats (wicked hilarious jokegrind if thats even a genre) Anal birth Cock and ball torture (Seriously a band...) Clitourture Crackwhore Fecal eruption Fistfuck Cheers, a joint and a beer to you all.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
  12. Mutilationer

    best song about weed?

    Its true... you can't spell crap without rap. Songwriter - Walker Young - Hollywood, CA 1 - Song - I Smoke Every Weed - Video ^I Smoke Every Weed - Walker Young:weed:^
  13. Mutilationer

    Best music to trip to

    I set my friends on fire
  14. Mutilationer

    Brutal band names

    Anally fucked with a cheese grater I set my firends on fire Penile Suffocation Amoebic Dysentery Cunt Grinder Uterus Ultra Vomit Ebola Infected Malignity Insidious discrepancy and about 12 gigs more of other goregrind,brutal death metal, screamo, hXc, Nintendocore etc...
  15. Mutilationer

    vermont red beard

    Yo man, I live about 30 mins from the border in northern Vermont and I just happend across one of a good friend of mine having some VT redbeard.. I have only heard rumors about it unitll I saw it and boy was it amazing If i am able to get some seeds ill post another...