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  1. T

    Second water after transplant.

    Overall... I prefer pots with perlite for moisture retension and aeration. bottom feed sparingly with light. Reduces chances of mites and fungus. Easier to clean. I only use burlap for large transplants, if transplanting at all.
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    Questions on Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Dispenser

    It's the filter.... you can use zero pitcher to filter. I just use tap water now. I use to let water stand and do water rotations. Not necessary, not growing trees or orchards.
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    Any ideas what this is the start of?

    Was just looking at another post... this looks similar to what I just posted. Look at the pics.
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    Any ideas what this is the start of?

    I've had that side curl on some grows. Initially, I thought it was just an odd mutation, but also noticed that it happens more frequently when I use commercial fertilized soils, and especially time release nute soils. First time it happened, I flushed the plant to insure its not a ph issue...
  5. T

    What are these brown spots on fan leaves?

    mag is neutral on ph, but problem is calcium nitrate. I am same... I use tap water and calmag sparingly. I do see your purpling stems. Some strains are calmag hogs, like OG Kush. The darkening around the veins in one pic of the leaf is due to ph imbalance. Basically your having some lock...
  6. T

    What are these brown spots on fan leaves?

    I use tap water, and don't really add much calmag, since it is already in the city water and in my flower nutes. Hotrod is right. you may have thrown off ph causing phosphorus deficiencies. Magnesium I've heard is neutral on ph, but the calcium nitrate can raise your ph.
  7. T

    Can anyone identify this bug

    slender springtail bug - i think... I was checking and found this on youtube nematodes but also another uses baking soda not ideal for ph. Organic Pest Control: Using Beneficial Nematodes to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats and Other Soil Pests
  8. T

    White spots on a few of my plants

    Its powdery mildew. remove leaves and separate plants. Its environmental factors. Not sure on the environment since no picture of area, but moisture is being trapped in your eco environment. You may have a densely vegetative area, causing insufficient air flow and light to prevent mildew...
  9. T

    Do minor damaged fan leaves still get photosynthesis?

    Its okay. I rip off the thrip infected area. You have enough growth. In fact, I often clear bottom leaves after 5 levels of branching to create clearance from ground, and don't over water. I use soap and water. Diatomaceous is good when its powder.
  10. T

    Soil sample results…now what?

    I noticed you mentioned 5th run. values look to be based on last flowering nutes feeding left overs. what's your h2o ppm. Based on that you can simply flush to prep soil and start from a known base line and ph to proper. I've re-used my soil repeatedly, sometimes I flush for next season...
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    New growth yellow light brown

    Is it spreading or just the one tip? You can wait, or cut out that one pictured, it would like pruning or topping. Its already hurt on that node. The brown is abnormal, can be several causes, unless its just picture quality on my pc. I see the leaf near stalk in background has necrotic...
  12. T

    Save my ladies

    Continue on then.... with pH of 8 you mentioned.
  13. T

    Save my ladies

    After reading through. Initial post your pH is locking out nutrients. Mobile elements look to be lacking, and deterioration is from bottom going up. It does not look like overwatering since plant does not have overall slumping. Your roots look fine, they should be white with little yellow...
  14. T

    Seems like my Plants take for ever to Sex

    Petflora makes a good point. Outdoor grow takes forever, if this is how they've been trained. One thing you can do is stick them in a dark closet that has ventilation. Wait a week, and you should show some signs. For pruning, any number of nodes above 3 is good, generally it depends on the...
  15. T

    Lower quality at higher cost

    I have my own, but from time to time check to see what's out there. Not sure if I've developed a tolerance for some of the strains out there. It seems there are more and more dispensaries are selling low grade as mid grade, mid grade as high grade, with the year 2420 inflated prices. There...
  16. T

    Droopy plant - please help!

    You've been overwatering and experiencing nute lock out. Best to simply no add any nutes. let it dry out to where soil I dry first inch or more. Otherwise, make some clones and start over.
  17. T

    Yellowing on both ends...

    Keep humidity up (dome), but keep rockwool slightly damp. If you have sprayers below, limit the watering. You don't need so much with rockwool holding water. Without knowing your setup... allow for the seedling to recoupe until it can acclimate. You can take it out of the dwc for now, and...
  18. T

    rain coming please help pics

    I've read it would cause the plant to mature faster. And it would expel what it could to promote fertilization. Due to lack of light and cycle of flowering, it seems that plant may actually expel more pistols. If later in flower cycle, I tend to believe the area wilts due to lack of...
  19. T

    So what you think harvest time?

    Given the size, and its appearance. It looks like you may have another 1.5 months to go at minimum, and greater due to non-ideal enviornment controls. Some of the challenges outside of planter size, it seems insufficient lighting and inconsistent watering, by the stetch and clustering of...