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  1. C

    Nutrient question already searched Google

    exactly! like i said im new to growing but arnt we primarrilly concerned with concentrations of N, P, K and trace elements when we do these tests? none of which have got anythuing to do with NaCl!!! there are test kits for these individual elements if you wanted to be uber-precise with your...
  2. C

    Nutrient question already searched Google

    Im only a newb on here but after some extensive reading, i must admit, this whole ppm thing is doing my head in!!! im a pool cleaner and a aquarist so deal with water ALOT! its quite annoying to see people throwing around terms like ppm without really knowing what that is. as far as i can...
  3. C

    Help My Seedlings

    what do you recomend for cfl wattage at this point? as i am in the middle of my first grow too and have my seedling under a 40w cfl. is this enough for now?
  4. C

    Online steroids, getting back into lifting!

    i see what you did there... very well said. theres been a few good points made on here, someone mentioned the price- a proper cycle would really be costly. the pro's have it tailored precisely for them. have you considered trying the commertial pro-hormones and post cycle therapy, or just testt...
  5. C

    Starting indoors, then moving outdoors...

    excellent. thank you very much!! yeah ill ease them into the new source of light to avoid shock
  6. C

    Starting indoors, then moving outdoors...

    Hello all, ive just got some seeds and am eager to get a grow started, but its the begginning of febuary and the weather outside where i am (Crete, Greece) wont be good enough until the middle of march-ish. would it be wise to germinate and start the seedlings off indoors under cfl's for the...