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  1. 4:20toYuma

    build a soil website: Coots or No Coots

    How are you guys liking the BuildaSoil system? I've discovered them pretty recently and they are quite a refreshing and enlightening company with a website that awesome. I'm seriously considering switching from coco to living organic soil. It just makes sense that this is the way it's...
  2. 4:20toYuma

    EMERGENCY!!! What the hell that is a male!

    I have never seen such a thing with feminized seeds and I hate to say it, but I'm worried for you because I've seen this with regular seeds. hellmutt is right though, those could be calyxes forming. Let em go at least another week. Keep an eye out for a white hair growing out of the tip of...
  3. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    That would be a good idea however probably very stressful on the plants at this stage. But you did make me realize the fact that I'm growing in coco and in a cabinet, may just give me chance eradicate these creatures without interrupting my perpetual much. Coco just presents a much cleaner...
  4. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    I am so fucked I think. This Safer's did nothing (I'm about to mix it with water and use it as a root drench out of desperation at this point). i have "flyers" all over my cabinet. I ordered some Met52 on Friday with 2 day shipping. This stuff is really supposed to be great for these root...
  5. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    It's official I have some sort of flying pest too - they look like fungus gnats. I'm pretty sure they aren't flying root aphids. Root aphids only fly to find another plants root system to colonize. The flying bastards I have are on the leaves. I sprayed the whole plants too, not just the...
  6. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    The other mysterious thing that I'm trying to figure out is this: These plants that are infested were in my veg chamber just two weeks ago. 8 plants went into flower, and 2 got put in a separate cabinet that I keep my mothers in. I don't see any bugs on these two plants nor am I seeing any on...
  7. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    Thank you Dr Who. I fear and am prepared that it may get that drastic. I got up at 4am when my lights turned off and sprayed the plants and top of the coco with the Safer's. It definitely reduced the amount root aphids dramatically overnight. I am seeing some fungus gnats which I wasn't...
  8. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    That's good to know. I've already bought Safers and a bottle of Azamax is on the way. So I think I need to see how those work before buying anything else. I'm guessing that any of these products will kill them in the short term. I've read root aphids are hard to eradicate completely and that...
  9. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    I've also read on Rollitup of people killing their plants with this Safer's End All so I'm really scared to use it. I've also read you've just got to make sure the light is off
  10. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    I picked up a bottle of Safer's End All but I just got off the phone with them and they do not recommend pouring this stuff directly to the soil. But the guy didn't seem like he knew his own product so I don't know. I just can't see how something that doesn't get poured directly into my medium...
  11. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    That might be a good call. I don't think I can afford to wait for the Azamax and I don't think that Bayer stuff is organic. And it appears to be sold at Ace Hardware in a reasonable size at a reasonable price.
  12. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    What about drenching? I would think that is the best, if not the only way to effectively deliver the stuff to root aphids. I would want to give the plants, the pots, saucers and top of the medium a good spray down too. I would think that since my leafs are not being affected, that it would...
  13. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    So how did I likely get these pests? I'm pretty sure they weren't in the coco because I had used coco from this brick in previous grows. Is the most likely culprit these clones I received from this dude? When I got them they were freshly rooted in rapid rooters and planted in soil. I pulled...
  14. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    Damn! So I come home today and these fuckers have multiplied a lot. Still I don't see them on the plants and I don't see them crawling around in the coco (although I know they've got to be in there), They're crawling mostly in the saucers. Many have drowned. The good news is that they are...
  15. 4:20toYuma

    New Ballast / SolisTek Ballasts

    Thanks for all your responses. I grow in a cabinet and the ballast is mounted to the backside of the cabinet. So the effect the ballast heat has on the interior of my cabinet is minimal at best. I've been using it for over a year and a half without issue, except the occasional "ouch" if I...
  16. 4:20toYuma

    New Ballast / SolisTek Ballasts

    It is running on 110v with other things on it. But gosh many growers, especially those with very small setups like myself are doing the same thing and they can't fry eggs on their ballast. Running a 220 line isn't exactly feasible for me right now. Would getting a ballast with cooling fan...
  17. 4:20toYuma

    New Ballast / SolisTek Ballasts

    I have a SolisTek 600w digital ballast. It runs extremely hot. I can't hold my finger on it more than 3 seconds without having to remove my finger. It's a year and a half old, but it has always run this hot. I'm...
  18. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    I don't think so. Unless they go through a stage where they don't have wings or if there are species whose wings are super small in relation to their body. Fungus gnats also seem too large. They look like fleas. They don't seem to fly. Then again they don't seem to jump either. They're...
  19. 4:20toYuma

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    Hello all. I grow in a 2x4 cabinet with coco in pots. Recently I got a few Death Star clones and I put them into flower about a week ago and last night I was noticing small bugs crawling around the rim of one of the pots. I've never had pests before. Coincidence? Probably not. They also...
  20. 4:20toYuma

    Hand Watering Coco in Pots

    Thanks for the input. I am using fabric pots and plastic ones and I'm finding I like the plastic ones better because I'm able to more accurately see the run off. Usually the fabric pots don't produce any run-off. But maybe that's just me underwatering. That's what I've been doing wrong...