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  1. tybalt1279

    question about colloidal silver

    the important part is"this method is not preferred when creating feminized seeds" Feminized seeds It is possible to use a combination of cloning and "shocking" plants to get them to produce feminized seeds.[31] A clone will retain the same sex throughout its life, so if a female plant is...
  2. tybalt1279

    question about colloidal silver

    Shows how educated you are using a word like 'pwned' lmao what are you 14? And you call me a loser when you scold me about doing the same thing...lmao you are hypocrit.
  3. tybalt1279

    question about colloidal silver

    According to Wiki : Historically, colloidal silver, a liquid suspension of microscopic silver particles, was also used as an internal medication to treat a variety of diseases, nothing about growing plants is mentioned.. Do your research.
  4. tybalt1279

    question about colloidal silver

    then don't talk about that certian type of silver then, oh yeah, freedom of speach.
  5. tybalt1279

    question about colloidal silver

    don't use that you idiot. silver does absoultly nothing for plants, yet alone starting a seed.......
  6. tybalt1279

    Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur

    i think you should experiment with liquid minerals...............
  7. tybalt1279

    Altering pH and Nutes 4 Color

    sparked my intrest, i'm currently expermenting on growing without any nutrients, but liquid minerals is a different story. there are dozens of ways to bring out the funky colors of plants........
  8. tybalt1279

    50w hps??

    well the ballast i got is designed for 1 50w hps bulb, its a black rectangle ballast. about 5"x13". but fuck all that. i finally got 2 1000W hps bulbs, so im good on lighting; but now i have another complication. i really don;t want to use the normal nutrients that you buy in hydro stores, im...
  9. tybalt1279

    where can i find your awesome display picture?? if you don't mind me asking.

    where can i find your awesome display picture?? if you don't mind me asking.
  10. tybalt1279

    50w hps??

    holy $h1t ! it's been awhile. well by the number of replies, i got an answer. but look, check it out....if you came up on ..let's say about, 20 little 50W HPS bulbs; then would i be able to grow a well maintained crop ??
  11. tybalt1279

    50w hps??

    can I use 50w HPS bulbs to grow???
  12. tybalt1279

    First Time Growing, My set up w/ pics

    you really shouldn't use miracle grow to grow any type of smokeable flowers. the reason why, right out of the bag, Miracle grow contains many types of nutrients. after germanation the seed thats in the miracle grow will absorb too much of the nutrients. sure things might look good for a week or...