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    Take it from a me (a woman) size is of no importance if a lady keeps her equipment toned and strong.
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    So you did inappropriate acts with young girls when you were young, huh? Can we see your feet?
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Ok, I repotted with Ocean floor so my soil can cook longer. Drove to worm farmers and bought 5 30lb bags of fresh worm poo and add 2 bags into my already made mix and I added a bag of coco, I put all of what I had which filled a 65 gal container and remixed it on a tarp and moistened it with...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thanks I will do that, I appreciate your response, and this lady is happy for all the help:hug:
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    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Ok, thanks for the advice and that makes sense. Patience is not my strongest virtue and it has gotten me in trouble before, I should have waited for that mix to cook. Thanks for the help.
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Do you think I should get them out of that and put them in maybe a fox farm product and allow my soil to cook longer? Thanks for responding duh thats what Im going to do. Off to hydro store
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    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Rrog, you are so awesome! I have been following you for my outdoor edibles you are so knowledgable about organics. I feel it is divine providence that you saw my post
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    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    I just started a worm bin and found a worm farmer who lives two hours away for fresh until mine produce. I used organic chicken poo called Charlies chicken compost in my mix the hydro guys said it was something the organic folks love around here besides worm castings. Any opinions maybe I should...
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    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    It began happening about two days after and I felt maybe I stressed the plants by putting them in new soil, under hotter lights and transplanting into different pots I added additional lime thinking it could have been cal issues. I have been keeping plants in a 60% humidity and 74-80 degrees I...
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    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Hello kind folks:) I'm a new grower who is having a bit of a prob. My bro has Multible Myloma and is not eating and we decided to try to grow and he is excited and so am I to see him so enthused. I am growing in a organic blend very similar to sub cools. I let mix cook for 2.5 weeks and then...
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    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    I am in the process of making a tea from my runoff and alfalfa meal and molasses and mycorrhizae and Iput a oxygen stone in it add a gal of RO water and it has bubbles and is foamy after only two hours is that normal?
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    The compost I used was Charlies organic chicken compost, bought it at Hydro store. I have worm bins now and have located a worm farmer so next batch should be better.
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    This is my first time growing my brother has Multible Myloma so I'm trying to keep him eating and happy. I'm feeling kinda like this is going in the wrong direction and I want to turn it around. I was using a KelWay soil tester and eco tester PH2 pen for runoff and water tester and yes those are...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    They don't seem happy the first two are ak47 and the five are bubblelicious and this all started happening within the last week. The AKs are 5 weeks old and bubble 4 weeks They were under veg CFL T5 until this week and I put under 600W MH with a new HI Lox gro bulb, I also moved them into new...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Are you ever concerned about ph of your runoff? I just checked my runoff ph and it was 8.7 my soil is composed of: 1 cup Alfalfa Meal 1cup green sand 1 cup crab shells 1 cup Espoma tomato tone 1bag organic chicken crap and veg compost 15lbs 2 5 gal bucket promix 1cup pelleted lime 1 cup kelp 2...