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  1. O

    Self sufficient organic and (almost) free growing

    Ooops my bad. I'm a total grammar Nazi too, don't know how that one got past me. Little long winded hugh? Sorry I'm new to this whole forum thing. Thanks for the tip Dill :)
  2. O

    Self sufficient organic and (almost) free growing

    Hi everybody :). Im new to grow forums and a novice at medical cultivation (but not completely ignorant) and I would like to bring up the subject of self sufficiency in terms of growing the herb. I have come to realize that we are slaves to the fertilizer companies and hydro stores (as we are to...
  3. O

    A Mandala summer

    Sorry to revive an old thread / hijack it from clink, but you guys seem to be knowledgeable when it comes to mandalas and organic (especially clink). Tell me how your mandalas turned out too, im very interested
  4. O

    A Mandala summer

    Hey my first post on this, or any grow site. I am inexperienced in this field, my only experience being helping a friend with quite a large medical operation for a few cycles (crazy good quality im talking primo but drowned in artificial newts and poison aka pesticide), and im planning an...