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  1. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    On the flip side for my veg tent. Last week I showed a pic so let me update on those as well. I'm running out of room fast. I'm so excited!
  2. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    This is the beginning of week 4 . I have some yellowing sun leaves and a slight mag deficiency but that's being worked out. She's turning out wonderful.
  3. akislander

    21 days into flowering, trichomes but no bud.

    Now I'm now expert on leds but if you were running an hid light you wouldn't be having this issue I don't think. At 21days you should be seeing nice bud formations all over the plant regardless of strain. I would look into the light and see if you can't find any reviews on it for bud. I also...
  4. akislander

    21 days into flowering, trichomes but no bud.

    What kind of led light are you using? Does it have red, or blue?
  5. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    I would if I could but plant count where I'm at is a big deal. Max is 24 in any combo of life stage. Other wise they leave you be. I dont do well in stripes or behind bars so I try not to risk it.
  6. akislander

    Nitrogen deficiency or nute burn?

    Also the rule of thumb in soil is to feed water, water, water, water, then start again. Other wise you will get nutrient build up in the soil and it can kill them.
  7. akislander

    Nitrogen deficiency or nute burn?

    How high is the light? I agree about the nutes and cutting them down because your in good soil but it honestly looks like light deficiency. I would bring that light down to about a foot to a foot and a half above them. The light deminishes a lot the higher it is. And by the stretching it really...
  8. akislander

    Nitrogen deficiency or nute burn?

    If its yellowing on the bottom its usually lack of light. What kind of light are you using? Nute burn usually starts on top and burns the tips while the leaf tacos your plants look healthy otherwise.
  9. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    Its about understanding your plants, knowing and optimizing your method (mine being dwc) and utilizing your grow space efficiently. The top colas produce more weight than the bottom limbs because they get the most light and with watts being weight, the best technique would be a sog or scrog...
  10. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    I have it set up with a hose that is used to drain connected to the bottom of the bucket. I refill by pouring the nutes through the net pot like a top feed.
  11. akislander

    21 days into flowering, trichomes but no bud.

    Pics usually help. Light? Grow Medium/style? Nutes?
  12. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    The gap in my budding tent. Not too horrible but yield will decrease undoubtedly
  13. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    Your absolutely correct sir and this is why. I have a sativa cotton candy kush (on the left.) And another island (on the right) that are quickly filling my veg tent. I had to throw early to prevent having to kill one for room. If this won't do it one of the next two will. The cotton candy I...
  14. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    3weeks flower.
  15. akislander

    male or female preflower..need grow space

    Absolutely correct when growing with adequate light to grow a full enough canopy to shade leaves of usable light, they do but from those pics there isn't enough canopy to do as you do. He would need darkness.
  16. akislander

    male or female preflower..need grow space

    That is some what misinformation. A plant produces two types of growth hormones chlorophyll and chloroform. Chlorophyll is produced during lights on so primarily veg which is what allows the plant to convert light into growth energy. Chloroform is produced during lights off and is used to...
  17. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    two weeks in bud
  18. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    Where did you get it? Breeder wise...
  19. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    Idk why but its saying I don't have permission to post my pictures
  20. akislander

    1lb plant goal.

    I'm burning 1000w Sent from my PantechP8010 using Rollitup mobile app