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  1. J

    What nutes/addatives do you prefer? And what is your regimen? Anyone tried DM GOLD?

    i use general hydroponics flora series. it works exceptionally well its a 3 piece kit i reccommend any GH product. the flora nova series is the new kit they came out with thats a 2 piece kit thats supposed to be better.
  2. J

    help!! dying plants on aero system

    need help. i got a skunk strain im growing on the rainforest 36 i just came across. so i put the plant in the system, and followed the directions on the back of the nute bottles. i dont have any pictures but the tips of the leaves are curling and spiraling backwards, and the tips are brown and...
  3. J

    want to start growing hydro need help!!!!!!!

    hey, i recently sparked a interest in growing hydro, and i dont know nothing about it, im used to the old school method growing in soil thats all i know how to do and im pretty good at it, but i wana go hydro i was looking at all the different setups and its all chinese to me maybe someone could...