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  1. T


    they have no right telling you what to do or not to do with your dog. what's wrong wit ppl.... blah.
  2. T


    dayum... good one. haha. :bigjoint:
  3. T


    In Miami-dade county. Okay look... see the video. YouTube - Patch Sit Now could you really believe a thing like that could ever strike for no reason. they aim to plz ppl. the prefer ppl to other dogs. that's why most pits need a family to really feel good. they need a job such as...
  4. T

    Just A Thought.

    yeah dude... whatever your on... i want some of that!!!! now please don't forsake me now. for i am a loyal servant to your greenlite night potions. those to drive me insane or sane for the purpose of toking. take me with you master. show me the ways to that nigth sky full of gray puffs which...
  5. T


    Dude & Duddettes while being high the other day, the following thought came across my mind: "When you buy wanton soup at a Chinese restaurant" "they charge like $.25 for each additional wanton" so if you think about the cost of additional wantons to soup ratio they are ripping you off. The...
  6. T

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone! just wanted to say hi and let you all know i'm new. just found this site surfing the web today while you know. love the site! it's been keeping entertained!!!
  7. T


    yeah - that's how bad it got in some places. there illegal in a few different countys of some states like florida is one of them. it sux. and if they find one in your house they'll give a $500 fine and it could get as bad as taking the dog from u to uthanize it. horrible. and sad.
  8. T


    well, i can see what u'r saying. i felt exactly the same way about them until 2 yrs ago when i had one and had to give him because i had to move to a place where they were illegal. i was amazed at my big boy. Ever since him, i haven't felt the same way again.
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    We Haven't Had a LOLCat Thread in Awhile...

    woah. this thread wat great! i'm so toasted and i laughed so much tears came out. lmao. great pics... just freaking great....
  10. T


    Also, throughout history, as we all know, pitts were bred to fight, but another thing they were bred to do was to not bite humans. no other breed has been taught that. pitts are great dogs to have around a family b/c of that. a good bred pitt, with proper upbringing (being shown that is in no...
  11. T

    would you ever approach a head shop??

    dayum dude... sucks that u'r dry like that and are craving for more... looks like you ain't got many connects... might wanna consider growing u'r own lil stash for emergency's like this.
  12. T

    What is a roach? me.. a roach is the end of a blunt that has herb in it, but you can't smoke it without you burning u'rself so then you let it go out and save it to put in another blunt or my personal fav... smoking leftover roachs in bowls... or you save a bunch of roaches of diff. types of weed and...