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    C99-Blimburn, Mozzerella-G13, GSC-BCBD

    How'd it turn out Chef? I'm really interested in the GSC i got some goin on day 63 looking frosty as hell....don't know what to expect though!
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    What else do you grow besides MMJ?

    I've decided to dabble in other things...I'm getting interested in peppers so far and maybe some tomatoes to try and throw in the corner of my flower tent but I'm interested to hear what other people tend to grow alongside there crops!
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    Has anybody heard of/ran moxie seeds?

    I'm growing the Grape Kush right now got her as a freebie awhile ago. She is a very solid smoke and a good yielder.
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    Cali Connection Jupiter OG

    I got a freebie of that also. Would love to see how it turned out.
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    Possible Hermie?!?

    Thanks for the replies....I came to the conclusion she wasn't worth the trouble! "It" is in a much better place now.
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    Possible Hermie?!?

    That sucks and she was looking so pretty :cry:
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    Possible Hermie?!?

    Was growing out a unknown bagseed of some good bud and it started to bud when I flipped "it" over but starting to notice around the mid section what could be male balls. If it is, should i just pick them off? at the beginning of week 4 of flower.
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    So I've got the lights set up to how it will remain for rest of the harvest. I'll prob be switching it over beginning next week since they are just starting to touch the net now.
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    the girls have been takin off, I think i'm going to try and FIM both the new tops soon...and if you look close on the sides i've started a little LST because they were overshadowing eachtother pretty bad. It helped for a couple days but I'm thinking im gonna have to do some some of trimming or...
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    So its been a couple days since the ladies got they're first topping, I think they took it pretty well.
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    Everythings been perfect since the last update, Ladies are in there starting to really grow alot faster, think i'm going to top them at the next node. you cant see from the angle I shot the picture but they both have another set of leaves on the bottom and the dark leaved one has about A TON of...
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    So far no problems, I haven't noticed any signs of root rot or any real problems besides a slight ph increase problem. It was fine the first week and when i did it this week it kept shooting up to around 7 i kept lowering it a back down to around 5.5 every couple hours. After coming home from...
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    Ya i check it everyday around lights on time its been stayin at like 6.0 perfectly. I actually removed them from the dome and put them in the bubbler already, since one grew straight thru the wool and i had a 2 inch taproot on like day 4 or 5. I'll just throw a pic up.
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    So the one plant has recovered beautifully and both are pushin out they're second set of true leaves. Both have roots touching water now which is 50% strength nutes. I just bought Hygrozyme today to add into the reservoir. One of my plants root has a slight brown tint to it. I'm not sure if its...
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    Ladies looking good still except for one small of them its first pair of new leaves look like leaves tips are turning purple. I think it may be from the cool temps at night so i took off the humidity dome and got the CFL about 3 inches above them to keep em warm. I'll probably post...
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    Realistically I just want it to live to harvest since this is my first ever grow but I talked alot of trash to my partner who has a bigger grow op who Hps and t5s and i threw him one of my seeds just for fun. He does soil and im doin hydro so we're just gonna compare how they turn out. I wanna...
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    So I was scared that I may have done something wrong because of all the stories of how rockwool can be. I transplanted both the sprouts into the rockwool after soaking them in perfect ph water for about 8 hours. The runoff was the same so I transferred them into the rockwool cubes and wasn't...
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    ya same here....heard a lot of good things about it. I'm really curious to see how it turns out. Thanks for the support
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    Got the rest of my starting supplies today and one of the seeds are startings to sprout already I'll be putting them in rockwool tomorrow. Tonight I'll be making the replacement bucket, DIY style. I'm just going to do a bubble bucket system. Pics soons.
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    Blueberry Northern Lights Closet CFL Grow!!!

    So my package from the tude just arrived yesterday and already started germing 2 ladies. This is my first solo grow and I've done a lot of research so im feeling confident but pointers are always welcomed! I'll be growing inside a 3 ft tall box with CfLs that should be arriving pretty soon...