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  1. D

    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    This is a great thread. I'm new to this hobby, but I have grown a lot of mums in my day, and this seems to follow along those lines. I have a small grow tent with a 80*3W LED light. I have been using Jack's 20-20-20 for the entire growth and things are doing well so far. I am sure I have...
  2. D

    Welcome New Members!

    Newbie here. I have a 24"x48" grow tent. With a 80*3w LED grow light. My first try at mj, but I have grown many other plants in my day. I use to grow a couple of thousand garden mums every year. So I have some experience in dealing with light sensitive flowering plants. I have been lurking...
  3. D

    TaoTronics TT_GL-14 80*3W LED Grow Light

    TaoTronics TT_GL-14 80*3W LED Grow Light