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  1. R

    have just flushed...

    do i want to feed it some nutes now? spotted a little nute burn earlier. have read in places its good to give them nutes straight after the flush to feed it. currently first week of flower. :) pz
  2. R

    needin to flower...

    hey guys thanks. this is the plant back on the cfls - theyr not too hot now, iv always kept them am inch from the cfl. the hps was as high as i could get it in the end, a good 20 - 30 " from the top shoot. still reaching 95 or so. its just a budget reflector with no air cooling. its a 5'6"...
  3. R

    needin to flower...

    ballast in a separate compartment above - may generate some heat in the box, will experiment with that. how much cfl would i need in addition to those i have to flower satisfactually?
  4. R

    needin to flower...

    hi guys.. i have the following lights, 2 x55w cfl which i used for Veg. 7 or so days ago i switched to 12/12 with a new 400wHPS. this near melted my op. one of my plants may never recover :( iv since added more ventilation, about as much as i can afford here. any time i go back to try...
  5. R

    on a plane

    iv never travelled without. safest in the hold, forgotten about. dont want to carry on in this day and age.
  6. R

    Burned... and temps toasty> newbie needs help

    theres no cfm on the fans i just pulled them out an old pc (and gave them a good scrubbin too) just bog standard PC fans
  7. R

    Burned... and temps toasty> newbie needs help

    ah! i see. well kinda. will try and get the jigsaw back tomorrow and make another input. im guessing from what iv read, 'passive' indicates just an intake, without a fan assisting, and 'active' indicates with a fan when you are pushing or pulling. i will cover up todays balls ups and try again...
  8. R

    Burned... and temps toasty> newbie needs help

    theres two six inch holes one at the bottom for the intake and one at the top for the out. each has a fan attached pulling or pushing the air as prescribed... if i make too many more holes the whole stealth thing will go right out the window lol. so with a 400w ballast and reflector i can run a...
  9. R

    Burned... and temps toasty> newbie needs help

    dayum! cant afford another light. didnt think heat'd be a problem, not a small small space, 5'x3'x2' would getting a cool tube reflector help you think? or should i just cut my losses and try and get 100w, since i'l save on the electric too?! thanks
  10. R

    Burned... and temps toasty> newbie needs help

    hey guys, well 48 hours or so has passed since i cremated my two HG ladies under their new 400W HPS :( i have since kept the doors to the closet opened (at some significant risk) and regulated temps down to 80 or so. i have now installed air intake at the bottom of the cab, and an outlet at...
  11. R


    thank you... so i should be seeing a recovery and more growth in the next 24 - 48 hours, and if not i'll probably try cloning the better one and starting again. natures hardly a perfectionist. you should see the state of me!
  12. R


    thanks guys... can these plants recover? are the leaves at the top that are burned just wastage now? should i just start from the beginning again and destroy these plants?
  13. R


    iv actually read conflicting views about the temps some people saying 80 - 85 is fine?! i know about the intake and outake, currently trying to borrow me a jigsaw to take care of it - i just didnt imagine the difference in temps this would make so quickly and the devastating effect its had on...
  14. R


    and anything i might be able to make the plant happier too? obivously dont over water etc. but any other advice - is the plant on the right a gonner or can it come back from this kinda roasting? thanks :)
  15. R


    hey guys, just moved my two babies onto 12/12 last night, however, as youll see from the picture the temprature has all but **** them right up. i could only get a 400w HPS and not a 200 when i needed it, so went with this light, but it seems to produce too much heat for the small amount of...
  16. R

    can i go >>>>

    friday the latest im told
  17. R

    can i go >>>>

    into 12/12 with 2 x 55w cfl, and then change to HPS when the dang light turns up? hope shouldnt be more than a few days - theyr ready to cook so just weighing up benefits of changing to 12/12 with these now, or waiting til the HPS arrives end of the week... any advice appreciated - 32 days...
  18. R

    top leaves wrinkling

    thanks guys... im watering just once every 7 days, about 300ml didnt seem much to me, but soil still felt damp at the bottom of the pots so left it. the pots have holes at the bottom (2 on each side) however the plastic is slightly sealed so theres not as much gap as the pot intended, if...
  19. R

    top leaves wrinkling

    yeah you're probably right. given its 8 - 10 inches, you think it wise to go another week in veg? i dont want a plant bigger than 4 - 5' and iv seen vids of the himalaya gettin BIG.
  20. R

    top leaves wrinkling

    woo. thanks. i'll probably curl up and die. apologies about the poor camera, its jus on my phone so very low def, but theres definitely change, just thort i'd be missing something obvious and someone might say, water, light or so on. i live/ work and theyr next to me all day/ night...