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  1. SilentMajority420

    Can A Guy Really Suck His Own....? Pic

    Ha ha! Now that was a weird-ass picture. Ummmm...just asking, but why did you start talking about a guy sucking himself off on a site about the herb man?
  2. SilentMajority420

    420 OG KUSH Culitivated at Oaksterdamn University with pics

    Damn. Was the $150 for 7 grams really worth it?
  3. SilentMajority420

    A scenario of the underbudgeted

    If your growing for your first time, try growing it with just soil and sunlight. Thats what I am planning on doing. Start simple, and when you have built up some experience, go for all the complicated stuff.
  4. SilentMajority420

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    Surprisingly, I have been paying attention in class, and what I've learned is this. Man + Woman = Marriage and Man + Man = Gay's who should be shot. I don't know about you, but that is some simple, basic, flat-out math right there. Who cares about all that other mumbo jumbo, just keep this...