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  1. newbud

    For People Who Don"t Know But Want To Explore

    the vast majority of modern day culture has let christianity slip away into nothingness. the masses chose to follow consumer and cultural trends with no thought of the consequences, they do not believe so therefore are not blaming anyone, just accepting their actions as just. what i wrote was...
  2. newbud

    For People Who Don"t Know But Want To Explore

    do you ever look at the state of the earth and wonder how if got into such bad shape. why politicians re-elct themselves, stomp on the general public and make out they are really trying to help us. politics isn't the only area, look at religions, banks, wars, the list goes on. we as humans need...
  3. newbud

    For People Who Don"t Know But Want To Explore

    "just an atheist's point of view the god myth is all of our hopes and fears condensed into an idea that is easily digested by the masses. somewhere along the line god became the anthropomorphized realization that there is soooo much we will never understand. " there is so much we will never...
  4. newbud

    For People Who Don"t Know But Want To Explore

    yeah, first time i listened i was suprised he had a sense of humour!!! thought it would be an old proffessor style but instead makes you think along with the audience. quote "if you go home and somebody asks what (seminar)was it like and you say it was about this, that and the otherand you...
  5. newbud

    For People Who Don"t Know But Want To Explore

    echart tolle has some good books. i have listened to the tapes in the presence of a great mystery? think thats what it is called. and there is also a book called understanding the power of now, prelude to power of now . my old man wants me to read them. haha .i am happy with my faith restored in...
  6. newbud

    For People Who Don"t Know But Want To Explore

    i have researched a bit of buddism, we have two selves, us and our ego. to watch our ego and observe it takes a great deal of practice. our ego is the one that shouts out to get attention, gets angry without justification, reacts without thinking. it is us but it is not us. does this make sense...
  7. newbud

    High all...

    i have a bamboo pipe with brass cone piece, works a treat, tastes like weed now i've had it for years an years hahaha
  8. newbud

    Need some help with harvest

    hey itsgrowing, does it get you wasted????? if so clamp your nose and breathe THAT funky shit in. hahahahaha well done on a funky grow!!!!!
  9. newbud

    Another Prime Bush Ally Dumped-- Aussie Howard "Suffers Humiliating Defeat"

    howard started the same bullshit here, using this fake war on terrorism to start deporting citizens because they "may have had ties with terror organisations". they deported a doctor because his cousin was involved in something somewhere, or yeh and he was black too. no evidence, police bungled...
  10. newbud

    i'm glad this guy leads my country

    you let a guy from the army blow you off?????
  11. newbud

    Another Prime Bush Ally Dumped-- Aussie Howard "Suffers Humiliating Defeat"

    well hey viredd, do you live inOZ? i do and voted yesterday. the last two elections held here i voted against howard for the sole fact he led us to the war, which he told us the oz public there were : chemical weapons. biohazard weapons, weapons omd, probability & capabilities of nuclear...
  12. newbud

    i'm glad this guy leads my country

    hey justin 1234? being financially independant is one thing, but profiting from war is just sick mate:spew:take a look behind the smoke screen and see that this war was ultimately about the financial gain and the american, british etc... economy. look at the arms manufacturers, the airline...
  13. newbud

    My First Grow, In Flowering, Dont know how long...

    6-8 weeks still. depends on strain plus anything you do during floweirng to slow the growth down. good luck
  14. newbud

    Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering

    hey nat, when u starting your next grow. reeally liked those photos and all the info. off topic i know?!! i did leave my last little plant in dark for two days but this time gonna pluck it after the full light cycle...... unless someone can advise why i shouldnt??? peace
  15. newbud

    Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering

    some great info here, i have never grown in hydro skunky but think i'm gonna try that coco stuff you have mentioned when i go to the city next month. my two cents worthback on the topic, in vege we give the plant as much light as possible for it to grow, we dont give it 15hrs a day cause we want...
  16. newbud

    i'm glad this guy leads my country

    how did the american public re-elect a dumbass like dubya for a second term?:confused::confused::confused: he has led an invasion of Iraq, wiped out basic infrastructure like schooling, running water, electricity, food supply killed hundereds of thousands of innocents supposedly to "liberate"the...
  17. newbud

    Second Grow, first journal.

    sweet chazz, looking good. fellow aussie here (WA) up north. entering the wet season now bit to hot to start a grow. average the last two weeks has been 36-40+ it would start frying the little sprouts HAHA/ keep it up mate, good luck. peace
  18. newbud

    will this work?

    ive seen the same thing on ebay. they come with a ballst etc.. and i can buy them for $45/ i wonder if a 150wat metal halide would work better for vege than my 400hps with a son-t-agro globe which has enhanced blue spectrum? if anyone has ecperience with 400w compared to metal halide (150w) i...
  19. newbud

    My First Grow, In Flowering, Dont know how long...

    yep, well said courtcourt!!! i stuffed around last season with three little plants. vvgged under cfl's left them outside./ dog ait two (his name is bud and he likes weed lol!!) last plant turned out to be a foot long cola. sheer luck. now after disasterous attempts finally got that 400hps...
  20. newbud


    fuck, sorry thought this was another chance to win another copy. i new one chance had finished. this is the same chance hahaha baked, sorry. peace