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  1. V

    Pleas help!

    i have had mine outside since march there monsters
  2. V

    Pleas help!

    when are you thinking of hrvesting them...its the 20th today sep iwant to do it soon but not to soon.....
  3. V

    moving seedlings outside

    can you give me some advice on when to use a blood fish and bone mix...thankyou
  4. V

    first out door grow

    ive been told that miracle grow is pure cemical and when you smoke the plant you get a head ache is this true i was told organic fertilizer is best with blood fish and bone mix. i knew a bloke who use to use bat bropings
  5. V

    can grow weed with just regular dirt and water

    can you tell me the best soil for growing in pots outside as this is my first year..cheers