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  1. newbgrower944

    Buds turning to powder! and mold! NOOO

    ok so I've harvested the first couple of plants from my first grow. YAY! I had 20 plants all different strains. Ive had a few hanging up to dry in my water heater closet in the garage. its not too hot or too dry. (ill put a reader in there and give you guys the temp and humidity soon.) well...
  2. newbgrower944

    rate this pic { 1-10}

    first pic 4 cause of curled leaves. second pic 7 cause looks damn frosty!
  3. newbgrower944

    Close to harvest? first grow

    I have already done some serious pruning early on. there just wasn't any room for ALL those branches going anywhere. I was also planning on harvesting the top of the plants when they were ready and letting the lower branches get more light for a week or so. then harvest the rest of the plant...
  4. newbgrower944

    Should I Bud Or Grow Longer????

    and by god those are HUGE cfl bulbs! how much did those cost you? unless you had em already might have been cheaper to get a couple hps's. lol
  5. newbgrower944

    Should I Bud Or Grow Longer????

    do they seem a little small to anyone for being 2 and 1/2 months old?
  6. newbgrower944

    How to raise humidity

    Is that the heated version roseman? I was hesitant to purchase that one cause my temps where already pretty high. If that's the one how much does it heat the room if at all? and as far as how long to run it. just run it till you have the humidity percentage you want. then turn it off. and turn...
  7. newbgrower944

    Close to harvest? first grow

    hey guys, this is my first grow. I completely forgot when I started 12/12 so im at a loss as to when to harvest. on one of the plants the hairs have started going red/brown. and the trichomes are mostly clear/milky. so Im assuming I still have a week or two before harvest? what do you guys...
  8. newbgrower944

    Is It Possible...?

    i had 20 plants under only 370 watts of hps and they are all over 1 and a hlaf feet and i have two sativas that are 38 inches high.... lol
  9. newbgrower944

    Kingkush Is Back

    yeah. good job king kush. you must have lots of usernames cause ive seen a recent RIU thread with the pics of all the bud on the black trash bag. im with the other guy. YOUR pics sure are nice. cough....cough.
  10. newbgrower944

    3 weeks in, something dosent look right

    yeah dude those look fine to me! I'd smoke em....just not yet! lol
  11. newbgrower944

    what to do with early veg trim?

    well i was kinda hoping for somethign to get me high while I wait for the plants to flower. hehe. any type of tea or anything. so the leaf does have some thc on / in it even in veg state? cool. and as x70080 said the reason was for a smaller plant with a huge bud and not cause i was greedy and...
  12. newbgrower944

    what to do with early veg trim?

    so I've trimmed my plants twice before putting them in the flowering cycle and ended up with about 200 grams. I took the 200 grams the first time and did the butane extraction. but I fucked it up. the leaves were still fresh and blended in a blender so the butane froze all the weed into a solid...
  13. newbgrower944

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    so you want people to go to the thread that you are getting called out on? trooooooooooooooooll
  14. newbgrower944

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    oh and mirrors are a really bad idea. they actually absorb a lot of light. ever see a hallway with two mirrors on either side. or put two mirrors up to each other? and look down the tunnel that is created? it just keeps getting darker and darker...
  15. newbgrower944

    heres a crazy idea? they like blue light for vegging right, i have blue poster board

    it will reflect blue light. but its only going to reflect the blue light thats already put out by the light. putting blue poster board up isnt going to magically make more blue light. all it will do is absorb the other colors of the spectrum your plants want. stick to white. promise you Itll be...
  16. newbgrower944

    Hey yall should check out this dual spect grow room!!!!!!!

    I guess I can show my grow room off a bit. :D
  17. newbgrower944

    Hey yall should check out this dual spect grow room!!!!!!!

    so basically all you proved now is that that fucked up looking mother plant is yours. ALL those other pics of grow rooms with MH's above them that you posted earlier....not your pics. just admit it. I called you a troll. cause you are trolling. I didn't say I was a big bad ass. you can't assume...
  18. newbgrower944

    Should you cut off fan leaves during flowering

    hmmm. i just cut off like a shitload of lower branches and fan leaves that weren't getting any light so I would get more of a huge main bud then little lollypops. ill make another thread later
  19. newbgrower944

    Cheap Inline Fans!

    both cool tubes have a 150 watt hps and a 70 watt hps in them. with the door to the closet closed you can only hear a dull drone. I would relate it to a stock dell computer on at night.