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  1. DaGlassMan

    Need help with a Diagnosis

    I had been watering only when the pots got light, but over the last week with attempting to level out the Ph I used the solution on them every 2-3 days.
  2. DaGlassMan

    Need help with a Diagnosis

    So, I've been dealing with this issue for awhile and have only now gotten up here to discuss it, so bear with me. These are bag seed so no known genetics, I started them out in a bag of potting soil from Dollar General without any nutrients listed. My plants showed signs of nitrogen deficiency...
  3. DaGlassMan

    What are the cops in your area like regarding weed?

    In my town, it's one of their main focuses. If you deal, they'll try all types of undercover stings to bust you. Plus all the surrounding K-9 units are trained in town. Luckily I live in the swamp outskirts and try to keep my nose clean :bigjoint:
  4. DaGlassMan

    Black Testicles

    ...Do you happen to have her number? lmao!
  5. DaGlassMan

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    Super Troopers and How High. I could rewatch How High any day.
  6. DaGlassMan

    Boo Yah Ka Sha!!

    Boo Yah Ka Sha!!
  7. DaGlassMan

    im smoking kief !

    I need to get a new 4 piece so I can start collecting again, cuz Ive been running dry like crazy. Been using a 2 piece up till now
  8. DaGlassMan

    Brick Weed

    I threw up a little when I saw that, bro. That poor plant...those poor buds...
  9. DaGlassMan

    How to not get Caught! (AKA: Stealth Smoking)

    I know all too well of the pains of getting caught, though I gotta add one thing: I would use Blunt effects rather than febreeze for the car. If you can find it in your local smoke shop, the fruity or vanilla scented ones are best. They completely destroy most smoke smell in one or two spritz...