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  1. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    Thanks man, I like your suggestions. Next seeds I plant I'm going to use much larger pots and different soil. Also gonna try out some lst on some. I have a somewhat "perpetual grow"going on. I'm still trying to get the timing right so it flows smoothly. I'm going for a harvest of 8 plants of .5...
  2. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    Totally, synergy was a lot thicker with less airflow than Blue Tara
  3. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    I think I harvested Blue Tara at a good time. I would of liked the Synergy to go a little longer, but had to chop because of mold.
  4. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    Got on average 21g per plant dry on the Blue Tara. 4.5 oz all together for 6 Blue Tara
  5. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    I harvested the rest of the plants yesterday. 6 Blue Tara. Ill upload some pictures later.
  6. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    Luckily it was just 3 g dry of mold
  7. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    Time for pictures!! Synergy harvest The jar on the left has 29.1g the right has 34.4g plus a good amount of sugar leaf I was hoping to get at least .5-1 o per plant from this grow so it worked out great! the moldy parts :(
  8. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    I took your advice and chopped them before it spread. Ill upload more pictures later
  9. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    Gasline water?? lol
  10. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    That is probably what I will do, just a little longer!
  11. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    Awesome! Your plants are looking great.
  12. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    More pictures!! All of the plants Some dry Blue tara, a sample picked a few days ago Some dry Synergy, a sample from a few days ago. fresh blue tara fresh Synergy closeup Synergy top bud Discovered this morning the huge top buds on both of my Synergy are full of MOLD!!!! Do I...
  13. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    Thoughts anybody?
  14. magicbuds

    Ready for harvest?

    Hi Everybody Are these plants ready for harvest? The fan leafs are drooping and dying for my current grow of Bohdi seeds Blue Tara, I'm not sure what the issue is. (I also have 2 Bohdi seeds Synergy in the same grow but they are doing good) Some things I think may be the reason for this are...
  15. magicbuds

    Tangilope, Critical Hog, Green Crack Feminized organic outdoor grow

    Here is the final update for this grow. The only plants that survived till harvest was Sugar Black Rose and Critical HOG. The others were chewed down by some animal right after they were getting their first pistils :(. I just harvested SBR last week. Her total dried weight is 4.5 oz of REALLY...
  16. magicbuds

    Question, What is going on here?

    Sorry for the late replies everybody. Snafuu you were right I guess they were just pre-flowers. I didn't realize they could pre-flower before the light change. They were from seed, non auto-flowering. They are doing VERY well. I'll try getting some pics sometime for you guys.
  17. magicbuds

    Question, What is going on here?

    I have had 4 feminized plants growing. Critical hog, cheese, green crack and blue og in a 4x4x6.5 ft grow tent with 600w MH light with air-cooled hood, two 240 cfm fans, a carbon filter. 15 gallon smart pots with Roots organic potting soil. I have the light on a timer 18 hours on 6 off. I have...
  18. magicbuds

    Tangilope, Critical Hog, Green Crack Feminized organic outdoor grow

    I haven't updated or posted for a very long time, sorry guys. I cant get any good pics cause the only time I mess with them is in the middle of the night. Sugar black rose is about 3 feet tall and getting a bit too noticeable for my liking so I tied her down for a little low stress training...
  19. magicbuds

    Tangilope, Critical Hog, Green Crack Feminized organic outdoor grow

    Sorry it has been so long since the last update everybody..been smoking too much :weed: I Just got my babies planted outside this morning...I know way too late but I just didn't have the time until now. I would say they are somewhat stunted for their age because I had to hide them for a full day...
  20. magicbuds

    Easy Rider 2014 Auto flower grow

    I'm satisfied with the results of my first grow next time it will be even better tho. Plant 3 definitely turned out the best in looks, taste smell, and the buzz it gives although plants 1 and 2 are still pretty good. They are all in jars curing now. Im going to try saving some but Ill probably...