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  1. D

    advice needed please

    I believe I understand what you are asking. You want to decrease your lights off humidity, but your external air(ventilation intake) is only 5% lower in humidity than your point of lights off equilibrium(what humidity raises to at night w/ lights off). You will not be able to reduce your...
  2. D

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks, it means a lot coming from someone who knows what they are looking at - This is the first acceptable thing I have been able to produce. Older projects always turned out terrible(chlorophyll taste, low potency, low yield). I figured to try for a proven system (HID+established genetics)...
  3. D

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Is the 250 club still alive??? Pulled 186g, just over 6.5 oz, off a 250. (Volume, just under 6 liters)...First run with a real (non-cfl) light. A LOT of forum reading, a few years of chem, bio and laboratory experience all helped out a bit I suppose. Hindu Kush, the original strain from which...