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    Why transplant

    I was just wondering why bother transplanting from a small pot to a larger one instead of just growing in a large pot from seed
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    help with extraction fan

    thanks keico this has been a massive help
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    What is the absolute minimum amount of light

    thanks for the quick responses:)
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    help with extraction fan

    thanks keico, sorry it took ages to reply. I want to wire the fan up to a plug so i can plug it into a wall switch, and so that the fan is constantly on. thanks:)
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    What is the absolute minimum amount of light

    What is the absolute minimum amount of light needed to keep a plant alive and in a vegetative state. I know the more light the better but for arguments sake and electricity bills what is it?
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    help with extraction fan

    im in the uk so my home is 240 v. thanks
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    help with extraction fan

    ok so i have bought this extractor fan. i dont kno much about how to wire stuff up. so could someone please tell me how to wire this fan up to a normal plug. THANKS
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    quick electrical question

    will these components all work together. im pretty sure they will but i just want a second opinion. thanks!;jsessionid=MVALY2AXN5DAUCSTHZOSFFQ?ts=07136...
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    I Once.

    I once new a guy who fancied spicing up his and his girlfriends sex life. Since he had shoved his pork sword in every other orophis except her ass, he thought fuck it, and amazed at his girlfriends enthusiasm they waited for his parents to leave there house. For an unbeknown reason to us mere...
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    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Cheers this was a good help:clap:
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    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    where have you guys got your 150 watt HPS grow lights from, the online hydroponics stores only seem to do 250 watts and over. I am in the UK so only UK companies please.