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  1. TheGrey

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    Update Day 13: Getting There! was a slight bit of nute burn starting to happen so lowered the ppm's a bit
  2. TheGrey

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    Thanks Yeah just find it's easier for anyone to say if i'm doing anything wrong or what i shouldn't do.. I do too!
  3. TheGrey

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    Update Day 10: Added 20% Nutes. 3Gal RO water (28ppm) 3ml Micro 6ml Bloom 3ml DM Zone (Full Strength) Total PPM: 339 So roughly 310ppm not including water. Had some heat issues so took the Carbon Filter off as i don't need it yet. Res Temps: 66F Room Temps: 81F PH: 5.9 PPM: 310 Did notice...
  4. TheGrey

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    Update Day 9:
  5. TheGrey

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    Any idea when I should start feeding with weak strength nutes? say 20%?
  6. TheGrey

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    Nice, how's that going at the moment? Photoperiod.. hoping to veg for around 4 weeks total. Is yours auto? Update: Res temps reaching 83F Wrapped + covered the bucket in Aluminium bubble wrap seemed to have helped temps a lot, staying around 70-73F now.
  7. TheGrey

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    thanks! haha lets hope I don't do anything stupid along the way.
  8. TheGrey

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    Update: New root growth after transferring to bucket
  9. TheGrey

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    Hi all, i've reading the forums for a while and finally decided to start my own grow! I've assisted a friend in 2 previous grows so i have a little bit of knowledge already, and spent a fair bit of time gathering info of the forums/net so thought i'd do a journal for my first grow :D I'm...