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  1. straitedge

    AeroponicS Crazieness and Spelling Errors

    thank you i went to the botanacare site and found that 1 on and 4 off is ideal. i bought an ajustible cycle timer and later found a nft timer that was 1 0n 4 off non-ajustable for $15 less... i likke the ajustiblr featur better though.
  2. straitedge

    Welcome New Members!

    keep in mind MJ is a weed and will grow almost anywhere... you just need to help it along a little and do a few trix on it... :P
  3. straitedge

    male or female?

    linked a pic..
  4. straitedge

    AeroponicS Crazieness and Spelling Errors

    i am doing somthing strange with my setup. i got room for 6 plans, seeds are in germination. i am actualy growing vegies :P. but i have 3 brustle sprouts, 2 tomato and 1 pumpkin (fruit) hahaha, the ph range for the pumpkin is huge, tomato (fruit) has a smaller ph range. not sure of brustle...