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  1. 4

    Help! Spider mites at 7 1/2 weeks, harvest now or wait it out?

    Neem oil is totally safe as long as you don't use it a few days before harvesting. Just spray the plants down with water after the mites are gone.
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    CO2 experts needed please!!!

    I've used dry ice but there isn't any way to regulate it. I would just leave about 20lbs in a cooler with the lid slightly propped open. I would replace it as soon as it is all gone. It's not the best way to add CO2 but it's fairly easy and cheap.
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    Roots Protruding - please HELP!

    You CAN do it that way but I would just transplant them normally. I would only do it that way if I couldn't pull the plant out of the pot without damaging the roots that are sticking out.
  4. 4

    T12 , T8 ,T5 fluorescent lights? How do u tell?

    No, not usually. T-5's usually put out more lumens with less heat. When it comes to flo. tubes, bigger isn't always better.
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    bigger buds!?

    I don't know anything about that bulb but I can tell you a few things that I learned about flowering. The further along the plant is into flowering the slower it appears to grow. You should see a big improvement within the next 20 days but it'll be very gradual. Only in the beginning do the...
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    CFL grow, first, indoor needing advice

    5x2x? So um, how much height do you have or am I missing something?
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    My First Time With Indoor (Be Gentile)

    I started off very simply and ended with a pretty close setup to yours. I didn't have nearly enough ventilation but I made due by having the lights come on at night and the AC on full blast. It's great that you started off with such a nice setup. My system consisted mostly of a 400w HPS...
  8. 4

    600Watt HPS And Seedlings?

    You can use the hps as soon as you want to. Start off with the light about 2 feet above it and then gradually lower it. Just be sure that the temp stays right and if you notice burning raise the light back up.
  9. 4

    Rain water/Tap?

    I had always used tap water but I used a tds meter. The water was about 380ppm but the pH was almost at 7.0. I mostly used Fox Farms products so the pH was just right after getting the ppm correct. I used 800-900ppm for plants in soil and about 1200ppm for the hydro. Then again I raised or...
  10. 4

    New Clones/New Set Up. ??'s. Tips?? 1st Indoor Grow.

    Do you have a fan blowing air across the plants?
  11. 4

    Should I flower now? Time constrained... Please help...

    If you have to, it shouldn't hurt. I've started flowering my plants anywhere from 6" to a foot without any issues. I beleive that the 6" plants had only 3 pairs of nodes. Some were in soil but most of them were hydro. For the hell of it I think I flowered some 4" plants and they turned out...