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  1. G

    Berry Bomb? Bomb seeds.

    Damn, those are really nice for a auto. Just makes me that much more excited to grow them. Can't wait.
  2. G

    Berry Bomb? Bomb seeds.

    Hell yeah, thats what I wanted to do, but I've decided to try them in the greenhouse this year instead. Hopefully it all works out.
  3. G

    Berry Bomb? Bomb seeds.

    Yeah, I'm thinking of trying it with a few others. Hopefully it works out. It's a beautiful strain. Was it a scrog grow?
  4. G

    Berry Bomb? Bomb seeds.

    Thanks for the reply Zo, I'm planning on it. I'll be doing a grow journal. What's your set up? And have you had any problems with them?
  5. G

    Berry Bomb? Bomb seeds.

    Anybody out there ever grow this strain. I cant seem to find much info on it.
  6. G

    Berry Bomb? Bomb seeds.

  7. G

    First try at bomb seeds

    I'm going to throw some berry bombs in the greenhouse this year, hopefully it all goes well.
  8. G

    What strains should i throw in the greenhouse this year?

    I need some ideas.. I'm looking for something relaxing.. to take the edge off. So any suggestions would be helpful.
  9. G

    Kaliman Seeds Nitro Express?

    Don't know if I'm going to run it or not this year. I can't seem to find much info on it.
  10. G

    Kaliman Seeds Nitro Express?

    Anybody have any experience with this strain?
  11. G

    Good outdoor/greenhouse Strains

    Well from what I've read, I doesn't really seem to have any problems with mold. Greenhouse seeds right?
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    Good outdoor/greenhouse Strains

    Is it mold resistant?
  13. G

    Good outdoor/greenhouse Strains

    Is it mold resident?
  14. G

    Good outdoor/greenhouse Strains

    I've been looking on attitude, and I'm trying to find some good strains to put in the greenhouse this year... Im looking for strains that's mainly good for anxiety... Something sociable
  15. G

    Good outdoor/greenhouse Strains
