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  1. M

    Done yet?

    Get a microscope and check trichomes that will tell you if she's ready or not dont cut until cloudy/amber
  2. M

    ** First Time Tent Grower Having Heat Issues **

    Tents just sucking the hot air back in because it's vented to the same room
  3. M

    twisting leaf

    Iv got super skunks 2 weeks old using H&G root excelerator the roots are nice and thick and just starting to come out bottom but on one plant the leaf seems twisted it's top right on the photo could this be first sign of being root bound?
  4. M

    First time grower having problems.

    Looks fine to me if the problem ur looking at is leaf slightly down it happened to me on my WW and was wrong PH
  5. M


    im currently growing 1 plant under a 600w hps but is switcable to 400w my temps are sitting at about 35 degrees under 600w and under 400w about 30 which I no is more of an acceptable temp would it make much difference running it on 400 instead of 600w? I have a cooltube and everything but cant...
  6. M

    is pineapple express a strong autoflower

    How did ur plant turn out? Iv got same happening to me
  7. M

    pineapple express

    These were about a week ago
  8. M

    pineapple express

    I'm growing a pineapple express auto these photos is plant at 42 days from germination on root excelerater, canna Flores, and dutch pro explode. Always grown on 18/6 recently switched to 16/8 Iv used LST because plant kept growing in to the light. This is my 2nd grow only 1 place under 600hps...
  9. M

    First Grow , progress

    Looks good up to the 4/4 photo, leaves look a bit unhealthy?
  10. M

    progress advice?

    just after some advice if got 10 white widows planted 20th to germinate im a root it propogation tjey grew fast first few days then i put them in bigger pots with coco theyv grow a little bit but not as fast as they did the first few days is this normal? The leafs are growing sligtly bigger but...