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  1. T


    ok but can someone tell me if i harvest 100% milky trichs, would i just be pissin my pants all day long and not feel magnitized to my couch (which i hate). i know the maturation and degredation of trichs has to do with thc and many biproducs that effect the high but how can i tell whats really...
  2. T


    bump bump bump bump
  3. T


    how long do you think it would take for an indica sativa mix to go fromm 10% clear/ 80% milky/ 10% amber to about a 35 amber 65 milky. everyone always shoots for 50/50 but if you want a gigly happy high wouldent you want less amber and less sluggish stone and more happy milky trichs?:-P:-P
  4. T

    Extreemly helpful

    yeah.... ive google searched and its not very helpful. im not just some lazy person who wont research stuff. can you just answer the question. for example if the leaf yellowed at the tip and turned brown and crackley....wut then. isnt that a symptom of both cases?
  5. T

    Extreemly helpful

    OK. after reading MANY posts on this site i have realized that most people (incuding me) :wall:have a Huge problem telling the difference between nute burn and Mg deficiency. so if any of you guys could list the differences in symptoms it wold be EXTREEMLY HELPFUL. what would you see if it was...
  6. T

    odd problems

    course of action will be onl water for the next few weeks and if it is nute burne things should clear up rite? and if it gets much worse its probably deficient. thanks again for the help guyz.
  7. T

    odd problems

    no problem bud. no big deal. thanks for the advice. my
  8. T

    odd problems

    thanks 4 the ph correction titan. i feel like an A$$. i didnt know that was 4 hydro. but my ph has never been more acidic than 6.4 ish. and that was weeks ago
  9. T

    odd problems

    i adjusted the ph myself. it was not soley my nutes. and i just looked at my origial post and realized i accidentally hit the 5 button insted of the 6. my ph now 6.8. Please do me a favor and stop pushing nut burn down my throught without giving me reason to believe it. what symtoms of the plant...
  10. T

    odd problems

    and if it is to low, what should i expect?
  11. T

    odd problems

    i was under th impression that optimal ph was 5.5 to 6.5. was i wrong? as u can tell i am studied but VERY new to this.
  12. T

    odd problems

    i do understand what u r saying but the plants are huge... and havent shown signs of problems and they have been getting nutes fo over a month. they are about 80 days old. they are between 1.5 to 2.2 feet tall and bushy because they were fim'ed. plus.. red stems and necrotic spots in the center...
  13. T

    odd problems

    ok. hypetheticle question. first off.... soil, MG potting soil soil ph.. was 7 is now 5.8 ferts. mg blom booster at 1/2 strength.. 15,30,15 plus mallasses for Mo. 1000 watt hps 7 weeks old 2nd week of flower. the bottom leaves are turning yellow while the veins are still green. the midle...
  14. T

    Need pro Help

    Thanks guys. no sarcasm intended.
  15. T

    Need pro Help

    The soil did have nutes and the plants would have been fed 3 weeks after planting. the water ph is always 6 to 6.5
  16. T

    Need pro Help

    First of all. Bite me pshycic. its polite to ask nicely to add more information. second of all mister microherd bullshit, EVERYONE HAS A SESTAINABLE BACTERIAL COLONIE IN THEIR SOIL. and no1 said i was expecting 30%bigger buds. Plus most people on this site bust in their pants over molasses. You...
  17. T

    Need pro Help

    bump.... bump... come on. where r the pros:wall:
  18. T

    Need pro Help

    If someones plants had these problems what would you recomend doing. Plants would be white widow, 7 weeks old, 2 weeks into flower. Ph fluctuates from 6.2 to 7 light 1000 wat hps soil mg mix nutes. mg bloom booster, mallasses, they are between 1.3 and 1.8 feet tall. The list of problems...
  19. T

    impending explosion

    it is incased in tempered glass but if it explodes is it a fire hazard
  20. T

    impending explosion
