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  1. K

    newbie question who has done some research.

    White paint is good, dont spend mony on mylar, beter by a good reflector hood or beter 2 more 400hps lamps. You can buy a good carbon filter for 50 usd (for youre setup)), why would you conssider DIY? Have in mind that a 8" in line gets pretty loud, if not autenated.In my opinion you only need...
  2. K

    When is the best time to plant a OUTDOOR auto flower

    In suouth Cali. U can do 3 rounds in a season with auto strains, if U start early. Autoflowers are not fotosensitive, they need about 6-8hours of direct sunlight,daylight hours are not very important (imho), but hot temperature results in shorter plants and lower yields. Longer days only resolt...
  3. K

    How many can i fit?

    Yield depends on strain U are using.
  4. K

    How many can i fit?

    In that dim. tent a 1 600w HPS will not be sufficient.U need at least 2 600 HPS for that space.If U plan on putting tubes, than U should consider even more than 2*600 HPS. Than U can put 2x 6-9 auto flowers (biger strains 100-120cm).Smaller strains U can put more, 2x 20-30 auto plants.
  5. K

    Let there be light

    A 250w HPS shuld do the trick.
  6. K

    Bulk Seeds- any good?

    Yes, yeald is a big factor.Thank you on info. have u tried anny other strains from Bulk seeds?
  7. K

    Read This First!

    In my opinion this plant is owerwatered, this ollsaw couses the nutrient def.The plant could olsow use more-beter light.First you must set up the grow-room, then you bring in the plants.Before that do yore homework and read some indoor grow manual or beter a book. Without basics your grow will...
  8. K

    Top 10 auto flower strains

    If you live on sunny side of the Alps (Europe)for outdoor, autoflowering strains are a blessing. And since cloning of autos is ollmost imposible, the seed companys have a big interest in making autos beter, than regulars. I think they will invest allot into autos in next years.
  9. K

    Bulk Seeds- any good?

    Im planing on buying Bulk seeds (Auto White Widow, Auto Amnesia,Critical fem.) Has enyone used them? Any comments on quality?
  10. K

    Royal Queen Northern Light (Auto) Too bushy? Let her go? Trim? Help!

    Since this is a auto strain, no mutelating or stressing of any kind is recomendable (IMHO).You have a nice plant dont worry.
  11. K


    Are this Gavita reflectors with 1000w dublesided bulb run hot.If you compare to HPS.
  12. K

    I read something that adding a potent creme which is used medically will produce xxx

    I have heard about something like this thing too.This is an old recepie, on how to make a killer grass with poison.I had a prevelige to smoke it, and it was not nice.Strong and ollmost painfull stone accompanied with most uncomfortable feeling.I,m not shure with what kind of substance-poison it...
  13. K

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hi evrybody, greetings from Slovenija.I,m a smoker for 20+ years and growing indoors 11years now.First smokers forum for me.