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  1. SweetCheeba

    I am flowering this ladyes for 20 days Please comment how the buds look like.. are they dooin fine?

    Looking good my dude! the plants honestly look great for 26 days! Altho looked down upon I use CFL,however I have 250w per plant of mixed kelvin and around 11k lumens per plant, I have 4x 300w HID CFL's and 6 150's all mixed spectrum. What I produce is very good medicine,not as huge as say MH...
  2. SweetCheeba

    Medical Marijuana Jobs* California/Colorado/Oregon

    Typical cocky asshole Comments from people who think they know shit. Thanks for nothing Might as well asked my dog.. Lates
  3. SweetCheeba

    I am flowering this ladyes for 20 days Please comment how the buds look like.. are they dooin fine?

    Just my two cents Buds look good man but you shouldn't be worried what people who won't be smoking the bud think. if it please and makes you happy and you KNOW you have done a good job than that is it:) I've had some buds once that didn't look that special and it was a outdoor og, but it turned...
  4. SweetCheeba

    is this small for 3 weeks

    Agreed. Plant seems a little small for 3 weeks but after a transplant it will take off fast. When I start from seed I always stress untill it blows up. Watch for overwatering and give your plant some nutes. Lookin a lil empty on the N. keep at it man ! It's a learning experience that is never bad
  5. SweetCheeba

    I swear I just loaded that bowl...herb goblins..?

    I swear I just loaded that bowl...herb goblins..?
  6. SweetCheeba

    Medical Marijuana Jobs* California/Colorado/Oregon

    Hey everyone! Happy Easter and smoke day to you all! So my question is about jobs working in the Industry. I have a lot of experience I the patients area,as well as cloning and horticulture knowledge as well as skill in the outdoor,hydrophonics and aero areas.I've been growing plants since I...
  7. SweetCheeba

    does anyone know a better way to bake?

    How are spliffs a waist of tome ? Smoking a joint is a very effective way of using weed.And sometimes Orange juice isnt the best for some people. It carries your high longer some people cant be high for a long time.And as far as water pipes...well bongs bubblers and any time of water piece are...
  8. SweetCheeba

    does anyone know a better way to bake?

    How are spliffs a waist of tome ? Smoking a joint is a very effective way of using weed.And sometimes Orange juice isnt the best for some people. It carries your high longer some people cant be high for a long time.And as far as water pipes...well bongs bubblers and any time of water piece are...
  9. SweetCheeba

    does anyone know a better way to bake?

    Get yourself some concentrates, hash, honey oil....less you have to smoke more potency. Also I would highly recommend getting a Vaporizer...They cut cellulite matterial almost 95%...thats a clean smoke and it amplifies the taste ! Good luck to you man
  10. SweetCheeba

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Ya know it is better. to smoke that shit upon the morning time....Oh! and when you wake and bake you know that everything will be just fine...So fine.. Slightly Stoopid pretty much is preaching for stoners :)
  11. SweetCheeba

    400w BC Blueberry Harvest - Lots of good pics!!! Weight Predictions?

    I would say about 2-2 1/2 o'z man... Maybe about 2-31/2g's of bubble hash who knows maybe more...Nice pics man, beautiful plant !
  12. SweetCheeba

    White Widow or White Rhino

    damn hell ya jrh, you know whats up Check out my Marley was just recently finished :)
  13. SweetCheeba

    My Day in a nutshell....

    A lot when I smoke weed by myself allday on days I do not have class or work activities. I find myself in very weird situations, for instances I have come to a few conclusions today.... 1. Without people who smoke weed,there is no fun in this world...You vindict us and make us look like the...
  14. SweetCheeba

    Blue Cheese Nute Burn

    No Problem man we are all here for eachother :D
  15. SweetCheeba

    Blue Cheese Nute Burn

    I am not 100% sure of when, I stabilize around Soil grows...But, however I know my problems in plants and that for sure is Nitrogen Burn. It doesnt have to get on the leaves to burn it. Bump up the Ph of your water knock out the Nitrogen, and your plant will be fine....In about a week or so...
  16. SweetCheeba

    Blue Cheese Nute Burn

    I am not 100% sure of when I stabilize around Soil grows...But, however I know my problems in plants and that for sure is Nitrogen Burn. It doesnt have to get on the leaves to burn it. Bump up the Ph of your water knock out the Nitrogen, and your plant will be fine....In about a week or so your...
  17. SweetCheeba

    Blue Cheese Nute Burn

    Just a tip, When I grow I use 5.8-6.0 for Veg, and 5.5-5.6 for flowering. In week three of Veg, your plant seems to still have enough nitrogen, which is weird...Any other signs on the plant ? Are the tips burning into the leaves ? or does yellowing happen and then it burns in ?
  18. SweetCheeba

    Blue Cheese Nute Burn

    You are using too much Nitrogen buddy. When your plant gets too much of something it shows on the leaves, with nitrogen burns it will keep coming up until its put back to what it needs. Try flushing your plant with water, a higher ph around 5.8 Hope that helps man !
  19. SweetCheeba

    White Widow or White Rhino

    I would say white rhino man, check out my Marley Post get an idea of the shrubyness of the plant...White is also better for chronic pain, almost the best so whether or not thats your specific purpose, or just having fun. Widow tho can sometimes get out of control, I have once or twice...
  20. SweetCheeba

    22 days flowering white diesel pics, appreciate any comments

    Looking good man, going to be some beefy ones ! I just finished my white rhino check it out if you can ! I will keep up on this one for sure ! +Rep