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  1. BUDdy42014

    Another round of guess the sex. :)

    Yes I most certainly have. Lol. These 3 were my rock stars with hardly any issues. Looked great and smelled great, even in veg. I have yet to verify any female plants yet but feel hopefully for the rest. Pretty sure I have 3 so far, but have to give it more time. I have used next to no nutes...
  2. BUDdy42014

    Another round of guess the sex. :)

    No need to be sorry. Had 8 going for this exact reason. Still have 5 that are undetermined. Fingers crossed they grow some long beautiful hairs.
  3. BUDdy42014

    Another round of guess the sex. :)

    Do what. Ha ha. It's called guess the sex not guess the yield.
  4. BUDdy42014

    Another round of guess the sex. :)

    Hey guys, with the assistance of some wonderful people I discovered I had my first male. I have 2 more that I am sure I know what they are, but I would like a general consensus. Let me know what you think. The first 2 pics are plant one and the second 2 pics are plant number 2. Happy growing!
  5. BUDdy42014

    Male or Female?

  6. BUDdy42014

    Male or Female?

    Hey guys. Just looking for some insight on some sexing. First grow. Male or female? Been flowering for 2 weeks. I was thinking it was just new growth but was a little lost.
  7. BUDdy42014

    One plant that hates me.

    I can honestly say that I haven't. This is my first go at growing for myself. I'm pretty excited about the experience.
  8. BUDdy42014

    One plant that hates me.

    Oh, BTW my 2 strongest are my Sour D and what I was told is a SLH. :)
  9. BUDdy42014

    One plant that hates me.

    I have been thinking of taking a few clones from the 2 largest/healthiest ones. I want to keep a supply for some good times, plus working from home gets super boring, so I keep my garden with me in my office. Gives me some time to escape a bit. Any suggestions on cloning and how to not royally...
  10. BUDdy42014

    One plant that hates me.

    Here are the best I could get.
  11. BUDdy42014

    One plant that hates me.

    I will get some all around photos of her and post them. Finally just got off work, lol. Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Rollitup mobile app
  12. BUDdy42014

    One plant that hates me.

    As long as the buds turn out great I could care less if she was black and blue. Lol Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Rollitup mobile app
  13. BUDdy42014

    One plant that hates me.

    That sounds like a great idea for all my pots. Especially since the leaves have darkened a bit. She just went to this new pot, roots looked alright. The one I don't lst I get issues out of, ha ha. I will drill holes in all my pots though, sounds like it could be beneficial for all of them. I...
  14. BUDdy42014

    One plant that hates me.

    Thanks guys. I am running 2 85 watt cfls 5000k and 4 23 watt cfls 6400k. I water about every 3-4 days when the first 2-3 inches of soil are dry. I did nute burn them last week using FF grow big in 2 back to back waterings mixed to instructions on bottle, never again, lol and also had a fan go...
  15. BUDdy42014

    One plant that hates me.

    Hey guys, so I have a closet full of 7 happy plants and 1 that just really hates me. I am not sure what the issue could be for this one. It seems to be having so much going on. Here are a few pics. Any tips would be appreciated.
  16. BUDdy42014

    Needing a bit of input.

    Sweet. Thanks for the model numbers. I will pick these up immediately. I have halted nutes for now. I am going to give them another plain water flush and then try 1/4 of the nutes I used last time after they use up what's in the FFOF since I just transplanted. Sent from my HTC6525LVW using...
  17. BUDdy42014

    Needing a bit of input.

    For the most part. I do leave my fan on 24/7 for movement as I read about it assisting with thicker stalk growth. I do however shut the doors mostly with only a small crack or closed all the way. As far the the question about checking the ph, I do not. I have looked into a few meters, but won't...
  18. BUDdy42014

    Needing a bit of input.

    Cool. Thanks for the information. I leave my grow closet door cracked during the day to get them some fresh air. Should I open the window in this room as well? I thought hopefully by cracking the door for about 10 hours would get them enough fresh air. Any tips on how to correct the nute lock...
  19. BUDdy42014

    Needing a bit of input.

    Sorry, tried to get a pic uploaded with the last post but it didn't. I'll try and get it uploaded soon.
  20. BUDdy42014

    Needing a bit of input.

    Here is my best looking larger one that you can kind of see in the right on one of the pics. Not had many problems from this one.