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  1. bongman08

    Overwatering cures?

    ye they will both heal well grow anyway wat u groin in
  2. bongman08

    possible burn problem

    have u got a fan
  3. bongman08

    week one of flowering

    ur lights should be fine is it jus the one plant how far away are the lights my baby started drooping a bit but i moved a cfl bout 1" away ans she perked right up
  4. bongman08

    cfl question please help

    thats the stuff mylar not mevlar sorry dude
  5. bongman08

    help nute burn i think

    no sorry im gonna try and get some on soon though im waiting forthe rain not normally a problem in england but its a fuking drout wen i actually need some iv had a pot out for about 3 days and not one drop how fukin typical
  6. bongman08

    help nute burn i think

    i can only use tap water but i do boil it to help i never thought of that it would explain it, hopefully itll rain tonight so i can collect some. wat about the drooping leaves could this be chlorine as well
  7. bongman08

    help nute burn i think

    How do stoners i have a ww plant and since bout 2 weeks old i nute burned her and the tips went brown i stopped that and shes grown healthy recently but i jus looked at her and the top leaves have started to droop and the tips have gone brown. this leaf tip browning wont develop to the rest of...
  8. bongman08

    week one of flowering

    as far as im aware no u dont this is the time were it needs nutes more then any but dont over nute and stop giving it 2 weeks before harvesting just feed it plain water then
  9. bongman08

    Transplanted into hydroponic. not looking good.

    iv read 18/6 helps alot with root growth but i grow on 24/7 and its been good apart from abit of nute burn. i would look more into nute with it bein really green. mine did that and the leaf tips started browning if ur using nutes cut the dosage maybe 1/4 and flush. but without pics no one will...
  10. bongman08

    could someone kind enough to take aloock slight problem

    the leaves will yellow wen flowering this iis the bud taking the nutrients to grow. ur other leaves look ounless it dramatically worsens u should be fine
  11. bongman08

    nute burn.... Flush or no flush?

    ye i gave my plant nute burn and there were no black dots and the yellowin started at the leaf tips and didnt react that fast id say a bug problem iv heard neem oil is the best and the insects could be anywhere or it could have laid larvae somewhere so u need to get rid quick as
  12. bongman08


    from wat iv read 6 is fine try boiling ur water first try to lower the ph of that tap water though or even better use rain water its far better
  13. bongman08

    question about germination

    put it in a airing cupbard or near a radiator and keep it in darkness mine usually take2-3 days to pop
  14. bongman08

    need some help please

    my plant took 3 day to shoot above soil dont rush and take ur time with it
  15. bongman08

    I have to places to grow, where would you do it?

    thats a good point about the smell but u can get a carbon filter and exhaust sytem if u want as for the damp as long as the walls are covered and u have a humidity tester u should be ok
  16. bongman08

    cfl question please help

    the foil breaks the light and fragments it painting white or mevlar would be better i used foil before and changed to white it make a big difference
  17. bongman08

    1st grow. Tryin to get everything right

    i would loose the foil and paint white or line with mevlar im growin with cfl's at the minute annd made the mistake of not having them close enough to the plant id say bout 2 inch away from ur plant and u should do ok iv not got as many watts as u i have about 80 watts altogether in 3 lights one...
  18. bongman08

    I have to places to grow, where would you do it?

    as for kids my boys well intersted but i tell him nothing i suggest a lock and key and keep all activity down whilst there awake u know urself they always ask questions
  19. bongman08

    goin to flower wat ferts and wen help

    nice one ill let u know wat she gives me
  20. bongman08

    I have to places to grow, where would you do it?

    from what iv read cfl's are a good source but u will need a good few probably bout 6 over ur plants and maybe a few down the sides